
Agenda 27th August 2024

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on August 20, 2024


Clerk to the Parish Council: Cate Stokes

Donnyville, Hickling, LE14 3AQ



Parish Council Meeting

27th August 7.00pm

Hickling Parish Council will be holding its meeting on Tuesday 27th August 2024 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.


  • Opening


  • Apologies


  • Declarations of Interest


  • Acceptance of Minutes – Minutes from PC meeting held on 24th July 2024


  • Open Session – To address matters raised by the public, limited to 15mins


  • Ward Member Reports


  • Items requiring a decision


  • To approve quote for risk assessment work to benches.
  • To approve purchase of laptop for Clerk.


  • Other Items
    • Hickling Pastures noticeboard update – Cllr Rowe
    • Footpath Hickling Pastures
    • Flower beds update – Cllr Prosser
    • Flood warden policy – Cllr Lamb/Playle
    • Website – Cllr Green


  • Correspondence
    • Fix my Street online reporting – A new service local residents the chance to choose where antisocial behaviour offenders carry out immediate justice reparation work.
    • Town and Parish conference – 11th October 2024 Rushcliffe Arena
    • Hickling Scarecrows – 14th/15th September 10-4. Theme is Flora and Fauna.
    • Fly tipping – several instances of fly tipping recently, email from parishioner who has removed a washing machine from the layby from near the cemetery.
    • Rushcliffe voluntary service – relaunch of Volunteer Centre, including new online Volunteering Platform (Volunteer Plus).
    • Melton Borough Council is consulting on the Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan 2024. The consultation is open until Friday 6 September 2024, 12 noon.
    • Rushcliffe South Villages – Community Safety Group (RSVCSG) – next meeting 11th September
    • Woodland trust letter – keep an eye on community trees




  • Planning


  • 24/01329/CMA – John Brooke sawmills LTD (comments by 30th August)


  • 24/01383/FUL – Farmhouse Hilltop Farm (comments by 7th September)


  • 24/00979/FUL – Cromwell Cottage (application discussed by planning group)

No Objection


  • 24/00540/FUL – Glebe Farm Cottage (application discussed by planning group)

Object to the planning application to erect a detached timber frame car port. Consultee comments can be viewed on the Rushcliffe Borough Council Planning portal.


  • 24/01164/FUL – Mill Lane Cottages (application discussed by planning group)

No Objection (Cllr Playle and Cllr Lamb declared an interest in this application and so did not participate in the discussion)



  • Appeal notice – APP/P3040/W/24/3346021

REF: 23/01955/FUL

Proposed use of a wide beamed canal boat for additional seating for existing tea room with associated additional parking

Old Wharf Tea Rooms Main Street Hickling Nottinghamshire

Parish Council submitted a response requesting that the original decision to refuse planning permission be upheld and the appeal be refused.



  • Decision Notices

Ref: 24/00732/LBC

Applicant: Mrs Judy Robinson-Leigh

Development: Addition of paving and other external works within curtilage of listed

building, restoration of cills and heads of existing frontage windows

and doors.

Location: Elm House, Main Street, Hickling, LE14 3AJ

Decision: Grant Listed Building Consent


Ref: 24/00731/FUL

Applicant: Mrs Judy Robinson-Leigh

Development: Addition of paving and other external works within curtilage of listed

building, restoration of cills and heads of existing frontage windows

and doors.

Location: Elm House, Main Street, Hickling, LE14 3AJ

Decision: Grant Planning Permission


  • Finance

Balance of accounts: 09.07.24

Current Account: £20032.25

Reserve Account: £3917.55


Cheque no, Payee Description Amount
BACS Brunel Engraving 2x Tree Plaques £248.40


BACS Parishioner Cemetery plots £1150


Date of next meeting: TBC – proposed date in October