
Agenda PC meeting 20th February 2024

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on February 13, 2024


Clerk to the Parish Council: Cate Stokes

Donnyville, Hickling, LE14 3AQ




20th February 7.00pm

Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 20th February 2024 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.

24.3.1 Opening

24.3.2 Apologies

24.3 3 Declarations of Interest

24.3.4 Acceptance of Minutes – Minutes from PC meeting held on 29th January 2024

24.3.5 Open Session – To address matters raised by the public, limited to 15mins

24.3.6 Ward Member Reports

24.3.7 Items requiring a decision

    • Consider the formation of a community flood warden scheme and or flood group
    • To consider the formation of a planning working group (PWG) to discuss planning matters arising where the deadline for response falls before the next full PC meeting.

24.3.8 Other items

      • Walkers green inspection – volunteer needed to carry out before the end of Feb
      • Overgrown stile and missing footpath signs – Cllr Playle
      • Hickling pastures notice board – Cllr Rowe
      • Traffic calming surveys – Cllr Green/Cllr Playle

24.3.9 Correspondence

    • Authority wide design code – comments by 29th February
    • Received from parishioner requesting if something be done about the car parked on the bend on Bridegate Lane outside Lilac Cottage they suggest it is dangerous in the evening when the street lights go off.
    • Received from Notts CC advising that the existing customer service email address will no longer be in use. Contact needs to be directed through online form.
    • Received from NCC – they have inspected the reported blocked drain at South end Hickling village and decision will be taken on necessary action.
    • Invitation to Town and Parish Forum received to be held at Rushcliffe Arena on Friday 22nd March 2024 from 9.30am – 12.30pm with a governance theme. 

24.3.10 Decision Notices

 Reference no: 23/01974/FUL
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Dhaliwal

Development: New build dwelling to existing amenity space with associated landscaping. New access with drop kerb and parking. New front gate.
Location: Willow House Melton Road Hickling Pastures Nottinghamshire LE14 3QG

Application REFUSED


Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Section 211, Notice of Proposed Works to Trees in Hickling Conservation Area

Fell Sycamore and London Plane at 2 Marshes Paddock

Application PERMITTED


Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Section 211, Notice of Proposed Works to Trees in Hickling Conservation Area

Continue Rotation System of Pollarding Willow and Occasional Ash Around The Ponds To The Rear of Glebe Farm

Application PERMITTED


24.3.11 Finance 

Balance of accounts: 09/02/24

Current Account: 12891.81

Reserve Account: 3889.34


Cheque no, Payee Description Amount
BACS Clerk Donation for use of church PC meeting 29th Jan £10
BACS NALC invoice 3134 Membership £148.80
BACS R.A.Salt invoice 7102 Cemetery and Walker’s Green Maintenance £3084.00