
December 2023 Agenda

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on December 16, 2023

Clerk to the Parish Council: Cate Stokes

Donnyville, Main Street, Hickling, LE14 3AQ

Telephone: 07886169691




19th December 7.00pm


Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 19th December 2023 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.


  1. Election of Chair – to sign the declaration of office prior to opening of the meeting.


  1. Apologies


  1. Declarations of Interest


  1. Acceptance of minutes of meetings held on 14th November and 7th December 2023.


  1. Open session – to address matters raised by the public, limited to 15 minutes.


  1. Planning Applications


Ref. 23/02192/FUL

Applicant: Mr Paul Sharp

Development: Demolition of detached garage construct single storey rear Flat Roof extension and Associated Rear Patio Area. (Re-submission)

Location: 23 Harles Acres Hickling Nottinghamshire LE14 3AF


Consultation Deadline: 4th January 2024


  1. Decision Notices


Ref. 23/01540/LBC
Applicant: Mr Eric Parkes
Development: Remove existing windows & replace with double-glazed windows
Location: Church Farm, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire LE14 3AJ


Decision: Granted


Ref. 23/01651/FUL

Applicant: Mr Paul Frost

Development: Replacement of existing structures and units on site with 2 no. detached houses and 2 no. semi-detached houses alongside additional open green space. Change of use to residential dwellings (class C3). Detention pond.

Location: A E Faulks Ltd The Wharf Main Street Hickling Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH


Decision: Granted with conditions

Ref. 23/01813/FUL
Applicant: Mr David Taylor
Development: New agricultural building to be used as a cattle shed
Location: Turnpike Farm, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire LE14 3QG


Decision: Granted


Ref. 23/01953/AGRIC

Applicant: Mr Robert Holt

Development: Agricultural storage barn.

Location: Agricultural Field To The West Of Main Street/Hickling Road, Hickling, Nottinghamshire.


Decision: Refused


  1. Portfolio Group Reports


Finance and AdministrationCllr Prosser


  • Ringfenced monies: Request release of money (£250) to local history group to allow them to start funding the third sign – to be positioned at the Lengthman’s hut.


Environment Cllrs Green and Playle


  • Traffic calming/HGVs in Hickling


Highways and Street FurnitureCllr Rowe


  • A606 repairs/ resurfacing update
  • Noticeboard update


AssetsCllr Prosser


  • Walker’s green monthly inspection


Community EngagementCllrs Green and Lamb


  • Website update


  1. Ward Members Reports – Update from County Councillor Cottee and Borough Councillor Combellack.


  1. Finance
  2. Balance of accounts

Current account – £13831.55

Reserve Account – £3879.78


  1. Payments due


Cheque no.      Payee                          Description                                          Amount

BACS               NALC               New councillor training (inv 3040)                       £35.00

BACS               NALC               New Clerk training (inv 3041)                             £60.00

BACS               C. Stokes          Clerk’s Salary (1.12.23 – 31.12.23)                    Addendum

BACS               C. Stokes          Clerk’s Expenses (1.12.23 – 31.12.23)               £26.00

BACS               Village Hall       Hall Hire Invoice                                                £72.00

Date of next meeting: 9th January 2024.

To: Cllrs: Green, Lamb, Playle, Prosser, Conway and Rowe. Also, NC Cllr Cottee & Borough Cllr Combellack

Published: 12th December 2023