
July 2023 Agenda

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on September 20, 2023

Clerk to the Parish Council: Julie Holland

2 Lindy Close, Kinoulton, Nottingham, NG12 3RD Telephone:01949 823902 Email:

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – 25th July 2023, 7.00pm

I write to advise you that Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 25th July 2023 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.

  1. Election of rotating chairperson, to sign the declaration of office prior to opening of the meeting. It has been asked that the chairperson formally open and closes the sessions and to advise parishioners if the meeting will be collaborative.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Declarations of Interest.
  4. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on 13th June, 2023.
  5. Open session to address matters raised by the public, limited to 15 minutes.
  6. Planning applications

    Reference Number: 22/01989/FUL
    Applicant: Venari Land Limited
    Development: Erection of Roadside Service Area (RSA), including a single storey RSA building, four island petrol filling station forecourt and canopy, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging bays, HGV fuelling facilities, canopy and parking, a drive thru/coffee unit and associated development, including car parking, circulation space and new access from the A606, on-site and perimeter landscaping, drainage infrastructure including attenuation ponds and swales and boundary treatment
    Location: Land At Junction Of A606 Widmerpool And Fosse Way Hickling Pastures Nottinghamshire

    Please see revised documents uploaded 30.06.2023

    Any comments which your Council/Meeting may have already made will be taken into account. However, if you wish to comment on these revisions, please submit your observations online as soon as possible, but no later than 18 July 2023. EXENSION HAS BEEN GRANTED UNTIL 31.07.23.

DESCRIPTION: Remove hedgerow to enable two long narrow fields to be managed as one. ADDRESS: Turpike Lodge, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures

If you have any additional comments or wish to modify or elaborate on views previously made they should be emailed directly to
or sent to Environment Appeals, Room 3A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House,2 The Square Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN quoting reference APP/HGW/535

Any representations submitted should be in triplicate as they will be made available to both parties of the appeal. Please ensure representations are received before Wednesday 16th August 2023, any received after this date will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned.

Reference Number: 23/01323/FUL
Development: Proposed two storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension, extend existing raised rear patio. Existing roof to be replaced and ridge height raised includes 4no. front dormers. Alteration to existing eaves. Alteration of existing front box dormers to ridged dormers. Existing side extension to be demolished. Application of Cedral cladding and render. Air source unit to side elevation.
Location: Quorn House Folly Hall Lane Hickling Pastures Nottinghamshire LE14 3QB
But no later than 3 August 2023.

  1. Decision Notices: (none at time of publishing).
  2. Portfolio Group Reports:
    Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser

    • –  Assets of Community Value – if there is an update.
    • –  Conservation Area Appraisal – if there is an update.
    • –  Parish Council 2 x vacancies – possible co-option

      Environment – Cllr Green & Playle

– Parishioner has contacted the council with regards to a tree at the top of Bridegate Lane in Hickling Pastures that needs cutting back, as it is a struggle to see traffic coming from the right. Also, the conifer hedge needs cutting back between The Yews and Woodbine cottage, as it is forcing parishioners to walk in the road.

Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Rowe

  • –  Noticeboard relocation – Cllr Rowe has been advised that the noticeboard can be

    erected if the holes are hand dug, awaiting permit from Via.

  • –  Heliport – if there is an update.

Assets – Cllr Prosser

  • –  Cemetery – progress update re. denotation of unconsecrated area of parish cemetery, Cllr


  • –  Walkers’ Green Annual inspection, update on action points. Monthly inspection rota, Cllr Lamb is carrying out inspection in July, need volunteer for August’s inspection. Quote for the replacement swing seat is £187, however for item to be supplied and installed it is £671, Parish Council to discuss this expenditure.

    Community Engagement – Cllr Green

  • –  Coronation – re-allocation of surplus Jubilee funds received from RBC, possible suggestions to be put towards a tree to celebrate the coronation. Overpayment in grants of £110.12.
  • –  D-DAY 80 – 6TH JUNE 2024, encouraging communities to take part by lighting a Beacon at 9.15pm on 6th June 2024, representing the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of war, with the Introduction to D-Day 80.

– Annual Risk Assessment

Cllr Prosser and Clerk to do parish assets risk assessment end of July (due to holidays) and end of Nov.

– Community Tree Scheme 23-24, please see associated paper.

9. Ward members reports. Update from Cllrs’ Cottee and Combellack.

10. Finance:

A) Balance of accounts:
Current Account on 31.05.23                      £15,695.23

Reserve Account                                             £3,856.85

B) Payments due:-

See attached document

11. Itemsfrommembersforthenextagenda.
Date of next meetings: 29th August, 3rd October, 14th November, 19th December.
To: Cllrs: Green, Lamb, Playle, Prosser and Rowe. Also, NC Cllr Cottee & Borough Cllr Combellack.

Published 18.07.2023