Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2023 in Hickling Church, commencing at 7.30pm.
Councillors present: Green, Playle and, Prosser (Chair).
Also in attendance: 3 parishioners and Cllr. Tina Combellack (RBC).
1. Declaration of acceptance of office by elected councillors.
All councillors present signed the Declaration of acceptance of Office, these were witnessed by the Clerk. Cllrs Green, Playle and Prosser agreed that Councillors Lamb and Rowe could sign the declaration of acceptance of office forms before the next meeting.
Action Point: Clerk to meet with Cllrs Rowe and Lamb, so they can sign their declaration of acceptance of office forms before the next meeting.
2. Election of Officers – Chairperson, (Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairperson) and Vice- Chairperson.
Cllr Prosser agreed to be Vice-Chairperson, and will chair today’s meeting, however, it has been agreed with the councillors that at the moment no one wishes to take the role of Chairperson, and therefore it will be a rotating chair. Cllr Prosser signed the declaration of acceptance of chairperson for May’s meeting.
3. Co-opting of two new members.
Hickling Parish Council should have seven members, it has two vacancies as only five councillors decided to stand for re-election. The Parish Council agreed to advertise for the two vacancies, the cutoff date will be the 8th June, the next Parish Council meeting is the 13th June.
Action Point: Clerk to advertise the two vacancies.
- Apologies: Cllr’s Lamb, Rowe and Cottee
- Declarations of Interest: None
- Minutes of meeting held on 28th March- it was proposed by Cllr Prosser and seconded by Cllr Playle that the minutes were taken as a true record and agreed by all.
- Open session
Parishioner asked that the rotating chairperson could formally open and close the meeting. It would also be beneficial if the chairperson could advise if they will allow comments through the meeting from parishioners, as at times after the open session is closed, some members of the public talk when the Parish Council meeting has opened, it would be appreciated if the chair could state if they will be holding the meeting as a collaborative meeting.
Action Point: Rotating chairperson to formally open and close the meeting and advise if parishioners were permitted to talk throughout the meeting.
Parishioners were surprised that Cllr Lane had stood down and that there was no notification that he was not remaining on the Parish Council.
It was explained that Cllr Lane decided not to stand for re-election and the information concerning the election was on the notice boards.
Parishioner raised concerns with regards to the verge cutting on the 17th May, as was not sure if any damage had been done to the trees by Walkers’ Green. Cllr Combellack advised that RBC have published the no mow notice for May.
Action Point: Clerk to contact parishioner who is the village tree warden.
Open session closed at 7.42pm.
8. Planning Matters.
Reference number: 23/00599/FUL
Location: Quorn House Folly Hall Lane Hickling Pastures Nottinghamshire LE14 3QB
Description: Proposed two storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension, extend existing raised rear patio. Existing roof to be replaced and ridge height raised includes 4no. front dormers. Alteration to existing eaves. Alteration of existing front box dormers to ridged dormers. Existing side extension to be demolished. Application of cedral cladding and render. Air source unit to side elevation.
Extension granted until 18.5.23 – extended due to change of meeting date.
Nice design and only one comment which support application, feel doing a good job with a 1960’s house. Paul Philips at RBC has requested a Bat and Eco survey carried out, I would suggest that the application is supported and comment that HPC are happy to see that a Bat and Eco survey has been requested, agreed by all.
Action Point: Clerk to comment on planning portal tonight.
Cllr Prosser read an email from a parishioner that was unable to attend the meeting;
With reference to the two recent refusal decisions relating to The Old Wharf Tearooms; I would like to ask the Parish Council if they would consider writing to the Rushcliffe Planning Department and the officer who deals with planning breaches and enforcement, Peter Muter?
There are two issues, really:
- These were both retrospective applications and they have both been refused; oddly, there is no mention in the decision notices of how these planning breaches will be enforced and what timescales have or will be given to the applicant to put things right.
- There is an issue which has been carefully fudged in both decisions … Highways are quite clear that the size of the public area and the seating capacity have a direct correlation to the number of parking spaces that the business needs on site. It is also clear that accurate mapping of the seating capacity and outdoor areas still hasn’t been submitted by the applicant; consequently, it has just been brushed under the carpet …
- Please could one of the councillors take photographs (from the public domain or during opening hours when it is a public space) of the seating capacity and submit it for investigation?
- If the business only has capacity for 12 (+1) parking spaces, then they must reduce their public area to within the permitted parameters so that there is no unpermitted overspill on to Main Street.
- Previous submissions by a parishioner have detailed how these calculations work as well as the relevant legislation.
Action Point: Clerk to send letter to Mr Paul Muter, Breaches/ Enforcement Officer at RBC.
Decision Notices
Tree preservation ref 23/00028/CONARE
Bridge View House Hickling
Rushcliffe Borough Council does not propose to make a tree preservation in this instance and work can be carried out.
Reference number: 23/00317/LBC
Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms, Main Street, Hickling,Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH Description: Regularisation and retention of UPVC windows and doors.
Reference number: 23/01907/FUL
Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms, Main Street, Hickling,Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH Description: To retain existing open sided covered area, bin sore and permeable surfacing Decision REFUSE PERMISSION
Reference number: 23/02977/FUL
Location: Home Farm, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire LE14 3AJ
Description: Convert garage into office including raise roof height and alterations to fenestrations (Retrospective).
9. Portfolio Group Reports.
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser
Cllr Prosser is happy to continue with responsibility for this portfolio group.
Register of Interest – all Councillors to submit register of interest by 28th May to the clerk, so they can be emailed to the Monitoring Officer at Rushcliffe Borough Council.
Action Point: Cllrs Rowe and Lamb to submit Register of Interest forms to clerk by 28th May. Clerk to email ROI forms to Monitoring Officer at RBC.
Assets of Community Value – was submitted on 19th April. Building is already part of the Asset of Community Value. Nicola Wells from RBC will write to the owners of the land.
Conservation Area Appraisal – carry over to June’s meeting. Meeting to be arranged with Andrew Langley from RBC, once he has put together the document.
Review of Internal Financial Controls – as per associated paper circulated prior to the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Prosser that these are accepted and signed, agreed by all, document signed by Cllr Prosser.
Standing Orders – updated March 2023, Parish Council to advise if any changes are needed. Cllr Prosser asked if the members of the PC are happy to agree to the Standing Orders, unless the councillors would like collaborative meetings added to the SO’s, councillors agreed it is down to the person chairing the meeting to advise if it will be a collaborative meeting. SO accepted by all.
Environment – Cllr Green & Playle
Cllr Green will now take share this portfolio group with Cllr Playle.
- – Canal: Cllr Playle advised that trying to protect the canal, to look after the water levels. Cllr Combellack suggested that if funding was needed to apply, as funding was granted re the clearing of the canal, as a Local Improvement Scheme had just opened for grant applications.
- – Replacement of trees in the Cemetery: the black poplar looks alive as new buds forming, this needs to be watered.Action Point: Clerk to advise the WI that the black popular seems to be alive.
- – DLUHL Consultation Infrastructure Levy, no comment from PC. Cllr Combellack advised that the government launched a new fund recently.Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Rowe
Cllrs would like to know if Cllr Rowe is happy to continue with this Portfolio group. Action Point: Clerk to email Cllr Rowe.
- – Noticeboard relocation – to be carried over to June’s meeting. Action Point: Clerk to put Noticeboard on June’s agenda.
- – Air Ambulance/Heliport – to be carried over to June’s meeting. Action Point: Clerk to put Heliport on June’s agendaAssets – Cllr Prosser
- Cemetery – boulders size needed so contractor can quote for supplying and positioning.
Action Point: Cllr Playle to advise clerk or contractor re size of the boulders for the unconsecrated area.
Annual Risk Assessment
Cllr Prosser and Clerk to do parish assets risk assessment end of July (due to holidays) and end of Nov.
Walkers’ Green Annual inspection –Report received. Following action points. 1) On gate. Fitting working out of timber exposing a sharp edge – action push back into timber. Amber. 2) Swing seat, cradle support structure is bent, and the cradle strut is cut – rating 7 – Green. Looks like the entire cradle swing seat will need to be replaced.3) Report mentions that the swing equipment is dirty, or algae covered, rated at 6, needs to be removed (depending if it is felt that the algae will disappear in the summer).
Cllr Green asked if the inspections need to be carried out each week, or could they be done monthly. Parish Councillors need to do the weekly inspection and submit information to Clerk each week.
Action Points:
Cllr Green will hammer the exposed sharp edge down, also cut off the protruding bolts shafts on the gate. Will look at algae on swing frame to see if contractor needs to be involved with cleaning this off.
Councillors need to do the weekly inspection and submit to Clerk (Clerk to contact insurance company re do inspections need to be carried out weekly).
Cllr Green asked for a walkaround sheet, Clerk to supply.
Community Engagement – Cllr Green
United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund – deadline 19th May. Cllr Green has looked at this fund and not applicated for HPC to put in application.
Coronation – update re. grant funding for plaque(s), Cllr Green advised that cheque received from RBC for £250. Associated paper regarding plaque design, which is made from brushed metal, Cllr Prosser feels that a more individual plaque would be suited to Hickling. As the local suppliers are unable to make a plaque, maybe a tree could be purchased to commemorate the Coronation. Cllr Playle will investigate the cost of a tree and possible position. Cllr Green will see if there are any other options re a plaque. Action Points: Cllr Playle will investigate the cost of a tree and position.
Cllr Green will see if there are any other options re a plaque.
10. Ward members report
Cllr Combellack advised that the first council meeting will be held next Thursday (25th May). There is still not updated on the Service Station planning application.
11. Correspondence.
12. Finance
- A) Balance of accounts: Current Account £12,261.57. Reserve Account. £3,835.35
- B) Payments due:
B) Payments due:
Cheque number Payee Description Amount
000834 Vale First Responders Donation re Defibrillator training session 16.03.23 £50.00
000835 Nottingham Assoc of Local Councils Annual Subscription of year commencing 1st April 2023 £141.40
000836 Information Commissioner’s Office GDPR/Data Protection Act £40.00
00838 Julie Holland Clerk’s salary 01.04.23 – 30.04.23 Addendum
000839 HMRC Employees Income Tax £86.60
000840 Zurich Insurance Policy due 01.06.23 £450.69
000841 Julie Holland Ink Cartridge EPSON 603XL £26.99
000842 Julie Holland 2 x 250 sheets of paper £5.50
000843 Playsafety Limited Yearly inspection of play equipment £90.00
Reservation of plot number UC557 Hickling Parish Council Reservation of burial plot £220 (parishioner invoiced prior to increase) Cheque number 001489
CO1-152099RBC Remittance Hickling Parish Council Precept £10,051.00
Plot No 222 paid by BACS Hickling Parish Council Cemetery burial £200.00
Reserving plot No 149 (Cheque No 00018) Hickling Parish Council Reservation of burial plot £900 (reserved by non-parishioner)
Reserving of plots 231 and 234 (Cheque No 00053) Hickling Parish Council Reservation of two burial plots £220 (parishioner invoiced prior to price increase)
13. Items from members for the next agenda.
As above action points, no additional.
14. Date of next meeting, 13th June
2023 Meetings, 25th July, 29th Aug, 3rd Oct, 14th Nov, 19th Dec.
No further business – meeting closed at 8.40pm.