
November 2023 Agenda

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on November 7, 2023

Clerk to the Parish Council: Vacant



14th November 7.00pm

Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 14th November 2023 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.


  1. Election of Chair – to sign the declaration of office prior to opening of the meeting.
  2. Apologies
  3. Declarations of Interest
  4. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2023.
  5. Co-option of new councillor
  6. Open session – to address matters raised by the public, limited to 15 minutes.
  7. Planning Applications

Reference: 23/01651/FUL
Applicant: Mr. Paul Frost
Development: Replacement of existing structures and units on site with 2 no. detached houses and 2 no. semi-detached houses alongside additional open green space. Change of use to residential dwellings (class C3). Detention pond
Location: A E Faulks Ltd, The Wharf, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire

Consultation deadline – 20th November

Reference: 23/01813/FUL
Applicant: Mr. David Taylor
Development: New agricultural building to be used as cattle shed
Location: Turnpike Farm, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire LE14 3QG

Consultation deadline – 20th November

Reference: 23/01955/FUL
Applicant: Mr. C Grice
Development: Proposed use of a wide beamed canal boat for additional seating for existing tea room with associated additional parking
Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH

Consultation deadline – 20th November

Appeals lodged – awaiting further details from RBC

 23/00317/LBC – Regularisation and retention of uPVC windows and doors

22/01907/FUL – To retain existing open sided covered area, bin store and permeable surfacing

Reference: 23/01953/AGRIC

Applicant: Mr. Rob Holt

Development: Agricultural storage barn

Location: Agricultural Field To The West Of Main Street, Hickling Road, Hickling, Nottinghamshire.

Consultation deadline date – 16th November

8. Decision Notices

Appeal Ref: APP/HGW/535

Turnpike Farm, Hickling Pastures, Melton Mowbray LE14 3QG

The application ref: 21/00190/HEDGE, dated 25 October 2021, was refused by notice dated    02 December 2021.

The proposal is to remove 109 metres of hedgerow

The appeal is dismissed.


Town & Country Planning Act 1990, Section 211, Notice of Proposed Works to trees in Hickling Conservation Area

Reduce and Thin 2 Cherry Trees, Fell Holly, Apple and Pear at 14 Harles Acres


9. Portfolio Group Reports


Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser

Parish Clerk vacancy

 ACV – The Plough Inn listed on the ACV register 6th October 2023

Conservation Area Appraisal – update

Parish Council x 1 vacancies

Correspondence – Meeting of the Rushcliffe South Villages Community Safety Group (RSVCSG)

The next meeting of the RSVCSG will take place on 17th January 2024 at 11.00am at the West Park Sports Pavilion, West Park, Loughborough Road, West Bridgford. An agenda will be sent out nearer the time.

Annual Risk Assessment – quotation estimate for the works to be carried out.


Environment – Cllr Green & Playle

Roadside verges– wild flower planting / seeds to purchase

Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Rowe

Noticeboard relocation update

 Assets – Cllr Prosser

Cemetery – denotation of unconsecrated area of parish cemetery, update (Cllr Playle)

Cemetery  – maintenance work on gravestones.

Walkers’ Green October inspection – volunteer required.


Community Engagement – Cllr Green & Cllr Lamb

Website – update.

 10. Ward Members Reports

 Update from County Councillor Cottee and Borough Councillor Combellack.

11. Finance


Balance of accounts – 07.11.2023

Current Account          £ 14,344.08

Reserve Account         £  3,875.16

Payments due:

Cheque no.      Payee                          Description                                          Amount


000861                 HMRC            Income tax & NIC (Clerk) October 2023             £ 86.60


000862             Royal British Legion      Poppy Appeal wreath                                £ 19.00


BACS               Julie Holland                 Clerk’s Salary 01.10.23 – 31.10.23           Addendum


BACS               Julie Holland             Clerk’s expenses 01.10.23 – 31.10.23             £ 26.00


BACS               Steve Green           Wordpress Website re-direct (annual)              £ 13.20

Agenda 14.11.23Date of next meeting: 19th December.

To: Cllrs: Green, Lamb, Playle, Prosser and Rowe. Also, NC Cllr Cottee & Borough Cllr Combellack.

Published 07.11.2023