Meeting of Hickling Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 01st October 2024 at the Village Hall, Hickling commencing at 7.00pm.
Councillors present: Cllrs Playle (Chair), Conway, Green, Lamb, Prosser and Rowe
Also in attendance: Cate Stokes (Parish Clerk), NCC Cllr Cottee and 5 parishioners.
- Opening – Cllr Playle opened the meeting at 7pm
- Apologies – None
- Declarations of Interest – None
- Acceptance of Minutes – Minutes from PC meeting held on 27th August 2024
agreed by all
- Open Session – To address matters raised by the public, limited to 15mins
- A representative from the WI raised concerns about the Black Poplar in the parish cemetery. The tree appears to be struggling to thrive and suggest that it needs moving to a different location. Cllr Playle agreed with this assessment. A discussion about possible locations was had, Cllr Playle notes that a decision needs to be made so that the tree can be moved whilst it is dormant over the winter. Clerk to contact WI to discuss what their preferred solution is and bring back to the PC at the next meeting.
- A parishioner from Hickling Pastures spoke about concerns over planning application 24/01462/VAR to be discussed later in the meeting. They noted that before the operating hours were restricted at the heliport there had been significant disturbances to the residents of Hickling Pastures with helicopters flying over the residential areas and also upsetting the livestock in the area. The parishioner wished to support local businesses but hoped there cold be a solution that would not negatively impact the people living in the area. Cllr Rowe reported that he had canvassed opinions from Hickling Pastures residents and had found similar concerns.
- Ward Member Reports
- Cllr Cottee reported that the ward members for RBC to not support the planning application 24/01462/VAR to allow night flying at the heliport.
- The 40mph speed limit on the A606 in Hickling Pastures is due to be extended to the A46 roundabout with the construction of the RSA.
- Cllr Cottee is investigating the on-demand bus service and will report back following the concerns raised from Hickling residents at the meeting in July.
- Items requiring a decision – none
- Other Items
- Hickling Pastures noticeboard update – Cllr Rowe provided an update that the noticeboard should be installed within the next 2 weeks
- Footpath Hickling Pastures – Clerk has received a response from VIA that this has been investigated and the land owner contacted to make it accessible.
- Flood Warden Policy – Volunteer flood wardens were present at the meeting and it was agreed that a discussion about triggers for closing the road needed discussion. Concerns about where the diversion for heavy vehicles would go due to weight restrictions on Kinoulton road. It was agreed that the policy needed adopting quickly to move forward the flood warden scheme. Cllr Lamb to populate policy and circulate to volunteers and arrange a discussion. Once the policy has been finalized clerk to call an extraordinary meeting to enable adoption of the policy.
Rob Holt also reported from the recent Waterways meeting that he attended. Despite 3 meetings having occurred nothing has happened for the Dalby Brook catchment evaluation. It is not a priority as there has been no residential flooding in Hickling yet.
Suggested the PC contact the Trent valley Drainage Board, Canal and Rivers Trust and Environment agency directly to try and move things along. Clerk to get relevant contact details from Rob.
- Bridegate Lane Trees – Free trees from NCC have been applied for and due to be delivered in October for planting. Concerns raised over positioning of the trees as the previous trees on Bridegate Lane had blocked farmers access to hedge cutting and ditch clearing. Cllr Conway to discuss with landowners before trees are planted.
- Autumn Litter Pick – Date agreed for 13th Clerk to circulate poster.
Cllr Cottee left the meeting at 7.40pm
- Notts and Nottingham Local Nature Recovery Scheme – Cllr Playle reported on the meeting he had attended about how the PC can increase biodiversity within the area. The discussion had been very enthusiastic and he is hopeful that there will be funding available for projects that the PC can progress for example for the wildflower verges on Bridegate Lane.
- On demand Bus Service – Cllr Prosser has spoken to residents currently using the new service and reported that their experiences were not positive. The bus booking system is complicated especially for the elderly users that do not have a smart phone with the booking app. The phone booking system requires users to recite personal information every time they call even after being allocated a user number that should automatically recall this data. Once booked users reported receiving many text message reminders (often in excess of 10 messages) that lead to significant anxiety about missing the bus. The service initially offers the user a 30-minute slot and subsequently, through a series of text messages, advises what time the bus will actually arrive. No notifications are sent if the bus is delayed to prevent users from standing out in inclement weather, at bus stops without shelter. Users reported that the stops both in Hickling and Keyworth do not have any shelter and they were unhappy about having to wait for such a lengthy time in the cold and wet, furthermore the return bus is frequently late. Hickling residents using the bus expressed frustration that time slots were often unavailable to them as the bus was being booked up in other villages, where they note, unlike in Hickling, there are multiple other public transport options. For example in Keyworth, Ruddington and Cotgrave where there are regular 20min services. Most worrying, was in instances where a return bus was booked but the returning user was unexpectedly delayed in getting to their pick up point, e.g., if one was attending doctors / hospital appointments etc. – there is currently no facility to arrange to be picked up later in the day, leaving users stranded.
Clerk to send a report to RBC / NCC for comment.
- Correspondence
- Social Prescribing Hub West Bridgeford Mondays 10-4pm from 23rd September – details on Website and Facebook
- Electric blanket testing – details on website and facebook
- Shops and Businesses Safe Space scheme – from the RSVCSG and West Bridgeford Wire article. Businesses can register with the scheme and offer a safe space for anyone feeling vulnerable.
- Winter services – from VIA for salt and grit bins etc – Cllr Playle reported that the PC still has a large store of grit for the winter
- Concerns raised over the Black Poplar tree in the Cemetery – discussed earlier in the meeting
- Planning
- REF: 24/01462/VAR
- Applicant: Mr Daniel Briggs
- Development: Variation of condition 12 (hours of operation) for planning application 12/01396/FUL to allow helicopter flights to take place outside of daylight hours as short days are restrictive to business during winter months.
- Location: Broughton Lodge Farm Fosse Way, Upper Broughton, NG12 5PS
Comments by 7th October 2024
Cllr Rowe reported that the general feeling among residents in Hickling Pastures is concern that allowing night flying from the heliport with significantly increase disturbances. He noted that the applicant has previouly shown little respect for the neighbours and it had taken a lot of work from RBC, the PC and residents to get them to abide by the current conditions. A change to flying time is likely to increase noise pollution negatively impacting on local residents and the wildlife in particular the nocturnal barn owls noted to be nesting nearby. The PC does not feel that the heliports suggestion that they need to extend the hours to allow them to be a refuelling hub is not a valid reason to grant the permission as there are other nearby sites that can offer this service. Furthermore, the helicopters wishing to refuel are likely to be larger, noisy vehicles that will not be familiar with the current flight path restrictions and therefore likely lead to further disruption to the surrounding area. The PC feel that it will further increase the urbanization of Hickling Pastures area and the application is no in keeping with the HNP policy H3 to protect the tranquility and rural nature of the area.
Resolved – Object
- REF: 24/01384/FUL
- Applicant: Mr and Mrs Brown
- Development: Erection of domestic use Stables for 10 horses with feed and tack rooms. Change in ground levels and formation of menage with access drive and lighting. Change of use from agricultural to paddock.
- Location: The Farmhouse, Hilltop Farm, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures
Application discussed by planning group – Resolved to OBJECT as the Parish Council were concerned about the amount of light pollution that would be created with the 6 x 8m high LED lighting columns. Full comments can be viewed on the RBC planning portal
- Decision Notices
Ref: 24/01164/FUL
Applicant: Mrs Jane Fraser
Development: Proposed clear glass in window to first floor
Location: Mill Lane Cottages, Hickling LE14 3AW
Decision: Grant Planning Permission
Ref: 24/00979/FUL
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Dubern
Development: Single storey rear and side extension. New Proch. New French doors to side and rear of property.
Location: Cromwell Cottage, Main Street, Hickling LE14 3AN
Decision: Grant Planning Permission
Ref: 24/00540/FUL
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Goulding
Development: Erection of detached timber frame car port
Location: Glebe Farm Cottage, Main Street, Hickling, LE14 3AQ
Decision: Grant Planning Permission with conditions
Ref: 24/01161/VAR
Applicant: Roy and Rachael Allum
Development: Removal of conditions 17 and 18 to 23/01981/FUL as the restrict future permitted development rights.
Location: Sycamore Lodge, Green Lane, Hickling Pastures, LE14 3QF
Decision: Refuse Planning Permission
- Finance
Balance of accounts: 20.09.24
Current Account: £19625.48
Reserve Account: £3922.22
Cheque no, | Payee | Description | Amount |
BACS | Clerk | Laptop purchase | £351.94 |
Receipts | |||
BACS | Baileys Memorial | Headstone fee plot 292 | £140 |
BACS | M Dutkiewicz Stonemason | Inscription change fee plot 78/81 | £60 |
Date of next meeting: TBC – proposed date 12th November
No further business – meeting closed 8.20pm