
Parish Council Meeting 18th June 2024 minutes

Parish Council Minutes Uploaded on June 27, 2024

Meeting of Hickling Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2024 at the Village Hall, Hickling commencing at 7.00pm.


Councillors present: Cllrs Playle (Chair), Conway, Green and Lamb.

Also in attendance: Cate Stokes (Parish Clerk), NC Cllr Cottee and 5 parishioners.


  • Opening

Cllr Playle opened the meeting with a reminder that questions are welcome. As per the standing orders when a member of the public wishes to speak they should raise their hand and wait for the chair to call on them. The chair requested there be no interrupting and speaking over each other.

  • Chairs report – The chair gave a report on the achievements of the PC over last year following criticism at the last meeting, Cllr Playle wished to highlight the significant work that goes on ‘behind the scenes’ and thank all the Cllrs involved. The full report is available on the village website.


  • Apologies – Cllrs Rowe, Prosser and RBC Cllr Combellack


  • Declarations of Interest – None


  • Acceptance of Minutes – Minutes from PC meeting held on 14th May 2024

agreed by all


  • Open Session – To address matters raised by the public, limited to 15mins


  • The Clerk read a question received from a parishioner received by email requesting information on how the local MPs had responded to the PC requests for help with the recent A606 road repairs.

The Clerk stated that the response from local councillors had been minuted at the 23 March meeting (minute reference 24-3-7). The local MP was contacted by the PC in April. Cllr Cottee expressed his frustration with the constant delays in getting the resurfacing work done and noted that getting the current scheduled works done had been the result of constant pressure from himself, Cllr Combellack and Cllr Clarke.


  • Question asked about hedge trimming in the village along the pavements. In particular near Church Farm and around Walkers’ Green.

Clerk has spoken to the contractor about Walkers’ Green: there is legislation restricting hedge cutting during bird nesting season. The contractor questioned the legality of recent hedge trimming on nearby farmland. The Walkers’ green hedge will be cut in the coming weeks. Cllr Cottee noted that during the recent walk around the village with Via, the overgrown hedges had been noted and the Borough Council were intending to speak with the owners also. If they were not cut in a timely fashion, Via would do them and charge the costs to the owners.

Cllr Playle to speak with other hedge owners to request them to be cut back off the pavements.


  • Query about the recent flooding n the 28th April and if this had been reported to get an incident number.

A discussion about the aquaduct on the canal was had in particular what to do when it becomes blocked during floods in Hickling and who is responsible for addressing the problem. Rob Holt stated that there is a meeting of the Drainage Board in a few weeks and he will try and get some answers on this. Cllr Cottee noted that this is being discussed with the CC and there would be a response in due course.


Cemetery gates – member of the public asked about the rehanging of the gates so that they close properly. Clerk noted that this had been discussed at the last meeting (minute reference 24-4-9) and a member of the public has kindly offered to rehang the gates.


Grass cutting at the basin – parishioner asked if the PC could add the grass verges along the canal path around the basin to the current maintenance contract. Clerk to add to agenda for discussion at next meeting


Cllr Cottee wished to apologise for the delay in obtaining the funding promised for the new laptop and assured that this was being sorted out.


  • Ward Member Reports – none


Cllr Cottee left the meeting at 7.50pm


  • Items requiring a decision
    • Annual internal auditor report 2024 – accepted by all
    • Annual Governance statement 23/24: Parish council to review internal controls and approve Governance statement – approved by all
    • AGAR 23/24: Council to resolve to submit exemption from external audit certificate

agreed by all

  • AGAR: Council to approve accounts for 23/24 – approved by all
  • Cemetery Policy: council to consider adoption of the circulated cemetery policy

agreed by all

  • Financial regulations: council to consider adoption of new financial regulations issued by NALC – agreed by all
  • Privacy policy and fair processing notice: Council to consider adoption of revised Data protection policy and privacy notice – agreed by all
  • Model publication schedule: Council to consider adoption of updated model publication scheme as directed by ICO – agreed by all
  • Freedom of information policy: Council to consider adoption of updated FOI policy

agreed by all

  • Standing orders – Council to consider adoption of updated standing orders

agreed by all

  • Other Items
    • Walkers’ Green ROSPA inspection – annual risk assessment has been carried out by ROSPA, report received and circulated

Overgrown vegetation to be sorted by the contractor. Swing seat and see-saw tyres to be monitored

  • Flower beds – Cllr Green

Cllr Green brought the idea of installing some low maintenance raised flowerbeds around the village. Mrs Green has kindly offered to plant and maintain them. Possible sites to include Walkers’ Green and the Parish Cemetery on Long Clawson Lane. It was suggested that perhaps they could be used to mark the unconsecrated section of the cemetery as a green solution. Concerns were raised about costs, although the idea would be to use low maintenance plants. Further discussion to be had at the next meeting.

  • Defibrillator information– Following query from last meeting,

Clerk has investigated where the defibrillator information is available. The three defibrillators are listed on the national defibrillator database.

  • Tree Plaques – Needed for the two new trees

Clerk to investigate other vendors for a quote. Agreed size need to be smaller than originally proposed

  • Community engagement Whatsapp and Whatsapp channels

Clerk to finalise a flyer to distribute around Hickling and Hickling Pastures. Flyer to include QR code to join whatsapp community/channel.

  • Bridegate lane verges – Cllr Playle

A discussion was had about restoring the Bridegeate lane verges to be managed like a hay meadow with wild flowers. Cllr Playle has spoken to Garry Watts about how to achieve this and had received quotes from him to help manage the verge. It will first need cutting in August – Clerk/Cllr Playle to contact Via to find out if this is possible. Garry proposes to then cut the verge 2/3 times a year plus a spring cut. Formal quote to be provided.

Cllr Green to look into obtaining funding for this project. Possible other areas to include to be investigated.


  • Correspondence
    • From a parishioner requesting the owner of the field opposite Long Clawson Road be contacted to sort out the overgrown path along Main Street.

The owner of the field is not local and as Cllr Cottee mentioned that the CC will be in touch with owners of overgrown hedges etc it was agreed to monitor this verge.

  • Number 19 bus service through Hickling Pastures to resume
  • Police Surgery for Rushcliffe South Villages with PC Saskia Mills – representative needed
  • Rushcliffe South Villages Community Safety Group- next meeting 11th September
  • Authority wide design code – 2nd round of public consultation, response needed by 30th June


  • Planning
    • Ref:24/00731/FUL

Applicant: Mrs Judy Robinson-Leigh

Development: Addition of paving and other external works within the curtilage of listed building, restoration of cills and heads of existing frontage windows and doors

Location: Elm House, Main Street, Hickling, LE14 3AJ

Resolved – No Objection


  • Ref:24/00732/LBC

Applicant: Mrs Judy Robinson-Leigh

Development: Addition of paving and other external works within the curtilage of listed building, restoration of cills and heads of existing frontage windows and doors

Location: Elm House, Main Street, Hickling, LE14 3AJ

Resolved – No Objection


  • Decision Notices
    • Ref: 23/01981/FUL

Applicant: Roy and Rachael Allum

Development: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling. Re-use and extension of former agricultural buildings to form 2nd dwelling. Replacement of former agricultural buildings to form ancillary buildings. Replacement agricultural store & bat roost to rear. New brick pillar and gates to front boundary.

Location: Sycamore Lodge, Green Lane, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire, LE14 3QF

Decision: Permission Granted


  • Ref: 24/00408/FUL

Applicant: Mr Steve Roberts

Development: Removal of existing shed/garage and erection of replacement shed/garage

Location: Hillside Farm, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire, LE14 3QG

Decision: Permission Granted


  • Ref: 24/00538/FUL

Applicant: Mr Richard Marchbank

Development: First floor front/side extension

Location: 21 Harles Acres Hickling Nottinghamshire LE14 3AF

Application Withdrawn


  • Finance

Balance of accounts: 11.06.24

Current Account: £19688.44

Reserve Account: £3908.07

Cheque no, Payee Description Amount
BACS History Group Grant £300.00
BACS RoSPA Walkers’ Green annual inspection £93.60
BACS Newton Newton D-day 80 flag £28.80
BACS David Dixon Annual audit £50.00
Bank Transfer RBC Laptop grant £200

Next meeting date to be confirmed – Clerk to email Cllrs to get a date in July fixed.

No further business, meeting closed at 8.30pm