
Parish Council Meeting 16th July 2024 minutes

Parish Council Minutes Uploaded on July 26, 2024

Meeting of Hickling Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at the Village Hall, Hickling commencing at 7.00pm.


Councillors present: Cllrs Playle (Chair), Conway, Rowe and Prosser.

Also in attendance: Cate Stokes (Parish Clerk) and 6 parishioners.


  • Opening – Cllr Playle opened the meeting at 7pm


  • Apologies – Cllrs Green and Lamb, RBC Cllr Combellack and NC Cllr Cottee


  • Declarations of Interest – None


  • Acceptance of Minutes – Minutes from PC meeting held on 18th June 2024

agreed by all

  • Open Session – To address matters raised by the public, limited to 15mins


Termination of bus service in Hickling to West Bridgeford – Concerned residents asked for support in their petition to prevent the removal of the bus service in the village and its replacement with a “dial-a-ride” alternative. Points were raised that this bus is heavily relied on especially by the elderly it is a way for them to maintain a social connection. The parishioners feel that there was no consultation with the users of the bus service as all the information has been given online which many of the users are not able to check. The parishioner presented a petition that has been signed by more than 30 bus users and requested that the PC contact NCC to address this matter.

Clerk to write to Cllr Cottee to request NCC assistance.


2 parishioners left the meeting at 7.15 pm


Road grips – Parishioner requested that the road grips especially between Kinoulton and Hickling be “dug-out”

Clerk to log this request with highways and follow up


Verges – Resident requested that verges especially along Long Clawson Lane be cut to increase visibility and reduce the chance of unexpected wildlife jumping out into the road and causing an accident. The parishioner suggested that the wildflower verges could still be maintained for wildlife but perhaps the front of the verges could be cut short. Further concern was raised about the bridge over the river Smyte as this is very narrow and, currently, the overgrown hedgerow reduces visibility considerably.

Clerk to contact Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire CCs to request verge cutting.


  • Ward Member Reports – Cllr Combellack was unable to attend the meeting but sent a note that the white stones demarcating the unconsecrated section of the parish cemetery have now been placed.


  • Items requiring a decision
    • Towpath maintenanceCan the PC take the maintenance of the towpath grass cutting into their maintenance program

There was a discussion about this request where concerns were raised that it is not a PC asset and therefore could create a conflict as the PC does not maintain other non-owned areas. However, it was noted that keeping the area neat and tidy was beneficial to the public and to local businesses. Rob Holt to ask at the next meeting with the canal and river’s trust, PC suggest this decision requires further discussion


  • Weed killer spraying at the basin – Parishioner has been spraying the weeds on the pavement and requested a contribution towards the chemicals used.

As above PC expressed concern over taking financial responsibility for an area that is not a PC asset.

Clerk to contact RBC to find out if this area is part of their schedule and report back.

  • Other Items

Hickling Pastures Noticeboard – Cllr Rowe updated, there is a hold up with name change.


Flower Beds – Cllr Prosser has met with Emma Green and discussed putting a low maintenance flower bed in the cemetery. Mrs Green to provide a drawing and costs for PC consideration.


Tree Plaques – Design approved

Clerk to confirm with the supplier


Community Engagement flyer – Design approved and to be in the next edition of the Hickling Standard

Clerk to print copies for distribution throughout the villages


Risk assessment – annual risk assessment completed. Minor maintenance works required.

Clerk to contact contractor for a quote. Replacement tree in Walker’s Green required


Hickling Pastures footpath – Cllr Rowe raised concerns about an obstructed footpath in Hickling Pastures.

Clerk to follow up with NCC highways


  • Correspondence

Old Wharf tearooms appeals – parishioner requested that the PC find out what was happening with these appeals, Clerk has contacted the planning office. There are currently three appeals.

22/01907/FUL: For Car park and Pergola, the inspector has been out and now awaiting a decision

23/00317/LBC: UPVC windows and door – this appeal was turned away due to missing documentation. The replacement of the windows with suitable alternatives will now be enforced.

23/01955/FUL: Canal boat – appeal lodged 10th June, awaiting start letter


Safety of Lithium Ion batteries – the PC will not be supporting the bill from Lord Foster


Shortfall in meeting Ecological Planning Conditions at East Leake – A survey has been undertaken in East Leake to find out how many of the ecological planning conditions, eg bat box installation, are carried out. They found that most of these conditions had not been met.

It was suggested that this should be monitored in Hickling as lots of the planning applications seen by the PC claim to enhance biodiversity however, the conditions are not checked after building completion.

Clerk to keep a spreadsheet of conditions and liase with Cllr Conway


Flood warden scheme – Clerk has details of three parishioners signed up to be flood wardens. Cllr Lamb was nominated as the flood warden coordinator for the PC.

Clerk to draft policy and liase with the flood warden “group” to discuss required outcomes from a scheme. For example road closures to prevent bow waves leading to water entering the houses along Main Street.


  • Planning

Ref: 24/01161/VAR

Applicant: Roy and Rachael Allum

Development: Removal of conditions 17 (Permitted Development provision 1 Class A, B and E) and 18 (Permitted Development Provision1 Class A) to 23/01982/FUL as they restrict future permitted development rights.

Location: Sycamore Lodge Green Lane, Hickling Pastures, LE14 3QF


The removal of these conditions could allow further overdevelopment of the site and significantly change the way the plot interacts with its surroundings therefore the PC request that the conditions are upheld

Resolved – Object



Appeal notice

REF: 23/01974/FUL


New Build Dwelling to existing amenity space with associated landscaping. New access with   drop kerb and parking. New Front gate

Willow House, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures


The parish council have objected to this planning application on numerous occasions as it contravenes 3 policies of the Hickling Neighbourhood plan and nothing has changed with this appeal therefore

Resolved – Object


  • Decision Notices

Ref: 24/00498/FUL

Applicant: Mr Lewis Smith

Development: Extensions to the side and rear of the existing swelling with installation of PV panels

Location: Lonicera, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, LE14 3QG

Decision: Grant planning permission


  • Finance

Balance of accounts: 09.07.24

Current Account: £19868.62

Reserve Account: £3912.42


Cheque no, Payee Description Amount
BACS Hickling Standard Grant £500.00


Cheque AW. Lymn Memorial £140
BACS HMRC VAT rebate £658.95
BACS Coop Funeral Interment fee £200

Next meeting date to be confirmed – Clerk to email Cllrs to get a date in August fixed.

No further business, meeting closed at 8.10pm