
February 2023 Agenda

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on March 23, 2023

Clerk to the Parish Council: Julie Holland: 2 Lindy Close, Kinoulton, Nottingham, NG12 3RD Telephone:01949 823902 Email:

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING – 28th February 2023, 7.00PM

I write to advise you that Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 28th February 2023 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.

  1. Apologies.
  2. Declarations of Interest.
  3. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on 24th January, 2023, and confirmation of additions to minutes from 06.12.22 as requested by parishioner.
  4. Open session to address matters raised by the public, limited to 15 minutes.
  5. Planning applications.Reference Number: 22/01907/FUL
    Development: To retain existing open sided covered area, bin store and permeable surfacing
    Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms Main Street Hickling Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH
  6. Withdrawal of applicationsReference Number: 22/02120/FUL
    Development: Development comprising the erection of five new residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated landscaping and highways works
    Location: Land South Of Bridegate Lane Bridegate Lane Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire
    I refer to the application for planning permission in respect of the above development.
    I can inform you that the application was withdrawn on 27th January 2023 and no further action will be taken.
  7. Decision NoticesReference No: 22/01793/FUL
    Development: Proposed new field stables building with rolled stone entrance, turning, car parking (2 spaces) Location: Land Off Bridegate Lane, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire.
    Decision: Grant Planning Permission.Reference No: 22/00619/RELDEM
    Development: Demolition of industrial buildings.
    Location: Land South West of Wharf House, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire.                                                                                                                                                                              Decision: Grant planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area.

          Reference No: 22/00604/FUL
          Development: Demolition of industrial buildings.
Location: Land South West of Wharf House, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire.                                                                                                                                                                                      Decision: Grant Planning Permission.

     8. Portfolio Group Reports
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser

  • –  Internal Audit – book audit for financial year 2022/23.
  • –  Asset of Community Value – information circulated in associated paper prior to the meeting, councillors to confirm the area that will be included in the application of Asset of Community Value for the Wharf area.
  • –  Elections – information from NALC circulated in associated paper prior to the meeting. If councillors wish to remain on the Parish Council, paperwork to be with the clerk by 20.3.23, or they can take to RBC by hand before 4pm on the 04.04.23. If any members of the public wish to join the Parish Council please contact the clerk, or look on the RBC website for the application form, parishioners can take their own paperwork to RBC by 4pm on 04.04.23.
  • –  Standing Orders – information circulated in associated paper prior to the meeting, councillors to confirm that they will adopt the revised Standing Orders as per NALC.Environment – Cllr Lane & Playle
  • –  Roadside verges update (Cllr Playle)
  • –  Conservation Area – information received from Rushcliffe Borough Council, as per associated paper circulated prior to the meeting.Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Green & Playle

– Air Ambulance/Heliport, Hickling Pastures: parishioners’ feedback, comments & questions

           Assets – Cllr Prosser

  • –  Noticeboard relocation – progress update (Cllr Lane)
  • –  Cemetery – denotation of unconsecrated area of parish cemetery update (Cllr Playle)
  • –  Cemetery maintenance – query raised by parishioner concerning standard of the maintenance in the Cemetery, as per associated paper circulated prior to the meeting.This item was carried over from January’s meeting.
  • –  Walkers’ Green Weekly inspections (Cllr Lane)Community Engagement – Cllr Green & Lamb
    • –  Community Survey – outcomes, parishioners’ priorities and recommendations (Cllr Lamb)
    • –  King Charles lll Coronation – update re. wrought-iron plaques (Cllr Lane)
    • –  Defibrillator training session – email received from the Women’s Group requesting a training session organised by the Parish Council for the Community.
    • –  Community Speed Watch – information from Upper Broughton as per associated paper circulated prior to the meeting.

       9. Finance:

    1. A)  Balance of accounts:Current Account.      £12,261.57Reserve Account.      £3,835.35
  1. B)  Payments due :-

Cheque number                             Payee                                                                        Description                                                                       Amount

                                 831                                              The Community Heartbeat Trust                 Battery for defibrillator for Bus Shelter                          £746.40

and Village Hall, also one set of pads.

Clerks Salary February                                   Clerks Salary 01.02.23 – 28.02.23                                     Addendum

Clerks Expenses February                             Clerk’s Expenses 01.02.23 – 28.02.23


10. Items from members for the next agenda.

Date of next meetings: 28th March 2023

TBC 9th May, 13th June, 25th July, 29th August, 3rd October, 14th November, 19th December.

To: Cllrs: Green, Lane, Lamb, Playle, Prosser and Rowe. Also, NC Cllr Cottee & Borough Cllr Combellack.