Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday, 28th February in Hickling Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm.
Councillors present: Lane (Chair), Lamb, Playle, Prosser & Rowe.
Also in attendance: Parishioners – 15, Dan Briggs from Central Helicopters (Heliport) and Phil Bridle from Air Ambulance, Cllr. John Cottee and Cllr. Tina Combellack.
- Apologies: Cllr Steve Green.
- Declarations of Interest: None
- Minutes of extraordinary meeting held on 24th January- it was proposed by Cllr Lane and seconded by Cllr Playle that the minutes were taken as a true record and agreed by all.
4. Open session
Cllr Lane asked if any parishioners were attending for any other reason apart from the Heliport, none were, so the open session began with the gentlemen from Central Helicopters and the Air Ambulance. Dan explained that the Heliport was a family run business that was started in 2014, they do training flights, and the Air Ambulance is stationed there, he explained that he had attended the meeting to answer questions. Phil from Air Ambulance then introduced himself, since 2021 he has held the position of head of operations, he used to be stationed at East Midlands airport, now at Widmerpool. There are two aircraft that covers Derby, Leicester, and Rutland, re mutual aid can go into Lancaster.
Central Helicopters provide flights, training sessions, and pleasure flights,only 2/3 per day go from the Heliport.
Q Parishioner asked their flight path – as per planning authorisation.
A have a circuit plan, stay on train line, circular area, red circular area towards Hickling Pastures. Traffic coming from a different area joins the circuit at some point, will avoid unnecessary flights over the area. Unforeseen circumstances might be for example due to weather conditions which means that there are slight changes to the flight path. Aircraft might come in on a divert, you will see other traffic over the area which is nothing to do with the Heliport. When Air Ambulance is on an emergency flight, they don’t have to stick to the flight exceptions. Rushcliffe Borough Council have said that the flight paths do not apply to the Air Ambulance. The training flights operate in a designated within the permitted areas which is circular pattern, no further than Hickling Pastures avoiding the red shaded area on the flight plan.
Q Parishioner asked about a flight that is coming over her house at 9.30pm each Sunday night.
A This is not one of our flights, as we do not fly at night.
Q How many emergency flights are there a day.
A On average 3 per day. Air Ambulance will fly northwest as it approaches the Heliport, and try and join the flight path as soon as possible, depending on weather conditions.300 metres from the shaded area, flight plan area.
Q I have video evidence that do not stick to flight path.
A there is a lady who lives at the top of the test track who complains if the aircraft are over her house. If south westly wind would not want to approach that way.
Q None of the houses at Hickling Pastures are nearer.
Q What time is classed as after dark.
A Half an hour after sunset, sometimes the Air Ambulance would come back after dark from an emergency.
Q My windows rattle at night, what is the best way to engage with you to ask if they are your pilots.
A Ring.
Q Could some parishioners visit heliport, could you share your info with us.
A We will not go through our flight plans to give you what flights have been made as it is public information, you can find out when made and flight path.
Q If you want support from Hickling Pastures, you will give us the information.
Cllr Rowe asked if he could meet with Dan and Phil with some parishioners at the Heliport.
A Yes, happy to meet up, heliport was set up in 2014 and flights have decreased by 1/3 since moved in, we have a new hanger – which a few people complained about the application, but we wanted it for helicopter maintenance / storage of helicopters.
Cllr Lamb advised that the Air Ambulance tracks all their flights and agreed all information is there regarding flights for parishioners to access if they wished.
Open session closed at 7.50.
Action point: Cllr Rowe will arrange a meeting at the Heliport.
5. Planning Matters.
Applications Discussed
Reference Number: 22/01907/FUL
Development: To retain existing open sided covered area, bin store and permeable surfacing
Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms Main Street Hickling Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH
Four parishioners had emailed their objections prior to the meeting.
Cllr Playle explained that the grass matting that has been put around the seating area is used for car parking, as it makes the ground stable for vehicles. Historically we have objected to the proposed changes. It is a major problem with the number of covers and the number of parking spaces. All councillors agreed to object.
Objection from the Parish Council on the following grounds:
Retrospective application
Hickling Parish Council has already submitted numerous objections to this application, please ensure that all previous objections are taken into consideration together with emailed correspondence between the Planning Officer and the Parish Council.
Hickling Parish Council object to this application.
Hickling Parish Council would like to see this area restored to the permitted levels of development that had previously been granted. The overdevelopment of the site is causing issues with parking, which in turn has damaged the tranquillity of the area, concerns have been raised that due to the number of customers / vehicles that frequent this business that an accident will happen in the future. The Parish Council has already requested a full and comprehensive traffic survey of the area is carried out by Highways in this area of the village.
It is presumed that the grass matting is required to make the ground stable, as the matting is laid, filled with sand to hold it in place, it is therefore presumed that this would be in preparation for parking cars on that area. The Parish Council would like to see this area as grass, it is important to restore this area back to a green space which can be enjoyed by the community.
It is important that this area is returned to the open green space, which was there prior to the overdevelopment of the site, therefore, the Parish Council would like to see the removal of the covered seating area, the seating, and the bin store.
Action Point: Clerk submit objection on the Planning Portal.
There is a second retrospective application for the Wharf, an extension has been granted until the 28th March, so this will be on the agenda regarding the windows at the Wharf.
Cllr Cottee advised that he had contacted Nottingham County Council asking them to carry out a traffic survey, and he had passed this to a parishioner and copied the Clerk into the email, he had received an update on 21st February to say that they are still waiting for comments.
Withdrawal of applications
Reference Number: 22/02120/FUL
Development: Development comprising the erection of five new residential dwellings (Use Class C3), and associated landscaping and
highways works
Location: Land South Of Bridegate Lane Bridegate Lane Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire
I refer to the application for planning permission in respect of the above development.
I can inform you that the application was withdrawn on 27th January 2023 and no further action will be taken.
Decision Notices
Reference No: 22/01793/FUL
Development: Proposed new field stables building with rolled stone entrance, turning, car parking (2 spaces)
Location: Land Off Bridegate Lane, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire.
Decision: Grant Planning Permission.
Reference No: 22/00619/RELDEM
Development: Demolition of industrial buildings.
Location: Land South West of Wharf House, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire.
Decision: Grant planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area.
Reference No: 22/00604/FUL
Development: Demolition of industrial buildings.
Location: Land South West of Wharf House, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire.
Decision: Grant Planning Permission.
6. Portfolio Group Reports.
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser
Cllr Prosser wanted to reiterate her views regarding the current financial situation, budget review of 22/23, proposed budget for 23/24 and the precept setting for 23/24 that had been read out by the Clerk, in her absence, at the Extraordinary Meeting on the 24th January. She wished to remind councillors that the 23/24 budget agreed at that meeting was in excess of current anticipated income, even with a 15% precept application.
She advised that grant funding would need to be sought to cover any capital expenditure so that the Parish Council could continue to support local parish community groups in the coming year.
Regarding current ringfenced monies, Cllr Prosser advised that the Parish Council would need to seek approval from relevant donor organisations if they wished to reallocate any of these monies, i.e., grants received from Rushcliffe Borough Council or Nottingham County Council.
-Internal Audit – book audit for financial year 2022/23.
Action point: Clerk to book the Internal Audit for financial year 2022/23.
– Assets of Community Value – information circulated in associated paper prior to the meeting.
Cllr Prosser advised that the Plough Inn’s asset of community value listing expires in June 2023 and suggested that this be renewed / reapplied for.
With regard to the Wharf and the surrounding canal basin area, it was agreed that this application be referred to a sub-committee / steering group to be made up of Cllr Lamb, Cllr Prosser and a volunteer parishioner.
Action point: Sub-committee to meet to work through the application for ACV application for the Wharf area and report back to councillors.
– Elections – information from NALC circulated in associated paper prior to the meeting. If councillors wish to remain on the Parish Council, paperwork to be with the clerk by 20.3.23, or they can take to RBC by hand before 4pm on the 04.04.23. If any members of the public wish to join the Parish Council please contact the clerk or look on the RBC website for the application form, parishioners can take their own paperwork to RBC by 4pm on 04.04.23.
Action Point: Cllrs to arrange for Clerk to have their completed nomination forms by Monday 20th March, Clerk has booked an appointment to drop forms to Rushcliffe Borough Council on Wednesday 22nd March at 11am.
– Standing Orders – information circulated in associated paper prior to the meeting, councillors to confirm that they will adopt the revised Standing Orders as per NALC.
The members of the Parish Council agreed to the addition of the NALC paragraph to be added to the existing Standing Orders.
Action Point: Clerk to add NALC paragraph to the Standing Orders document.
Environment – Cllr Lane & Playle
Cllr Playle updated the council on the Roadside verges, at Widermpool some verges have been cut, he was advised that a cut would be done end of January, however this did not happen. On the Southern side part cut has been done, but not completely. Northern side has not been cut for 4/5yrs. Unfortunately, there has been fly tipping on Bridegate Lane, on a an occasion saw this, tried to phone it through, ended up having to email it though. Bagged it up and put it on Clawson Lane, rubbish was then picked up by Streetwise.
Cllr Cottee will email re verges.
Cllr Playle missed the window for cutting.
Cllr Cottee left the meeting at 8.10.
Conservation Area
Email was passed to a member of the History group and is going to attend, unfortunately no one else has shown interest in attending. Meeting is being held on Wed 8th March at 9am at the Wharf, Cllr Prosser will also attend.
Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Green & Playle
– Noticeboard relocation – progress update (Cllr Lane)
Cllr Prosser asked if the Clerk had received a reply from Rushcliffe Borough Council with regards to the Noticeboard allocated monies from Jan 2022, Clerk advised that no reply had been received and would email again.
Action Point: Clerk to email RBC again re the monies that had been allocated in January 2022 for a notice board – another email was sent to RBC on 5th March (previous email sent 12.2.23).
– Cemetery – denotation of unconsecrated area of parish cemetery update (Cllr Playle)
Cllr Playle has looked at materials needed to mark out the unconsecrated area and an estimated cost would be approx. £70.00.
Councillors agreed that this should proceed.
– Cemetery maintenance – query raised by parishioner concerning standard of the maintenance in the Cemetery, as per associated paper circulated prior to the meeting. This item was carried over from January’s meeting.
Cllr Playle raised concerns that only one of the four companies quoted for the 3 year cemetery maintenance tender, the Parish Council had received a letter with critical comments regarding the state of the Cemetery from a company that had declined to quote. The correspondent was of the opinion that the Parish Council should oversee the maintenance of the cemetery and hopefully companies in the future will want to work for the Parish Council.
Cllr Prosser asked if any other members of the Parish Council would like to get involved with the maintenance side as she felt that Cllr Playle and Cllr Lane would have knowledge regarding the upkeep due to their line of work. Cllr Playle and Cllr Lane agreed to meet to look at the Cemetery.
Cllr Prosser reminded the Parish Council that the maintenance contract is due to be renewed on the 31st March, and it was agreed that it would be an agenda item for March.
Action Point: Cllr Playle and Cllr Lane agreed to meet to look at the Cemetery. Clerk to put Cemetery Maintenance on the agenda for March’s meeting.
– Walkers’ Green Weekly inspections (Cllr Lane)
Cllr Lane is going to do the walkaround this week and will email the Clerk. Walkers’ Green Inspections need to be done each week.
Action Point: Cllr Lane to email the weekly inspections.
Community engagement – Cllrs Green & Lamb.
Cllr Lamb said out of the 250 questionnaires circulated on 12 were sent back, main issue raised were parking at the Wharf and the traffic congestion around the Wharf. Parishioners would like to see improvement and establishment of the green spaces. What would you like to find out more about – Planning applications and Community events.
– Coronation
Was suggested that a wrought iron plaque was produced to mark the Coronation, a parishioner has said that he would be able to produce a plaque – Cllr Lane will investigate this within the week, as a request for the grant needs to be in by 14th March.
Action Point: Cllr Lane to investigate applying for a grant to fund a Coronation Plaque for the Cemetery gates.
– Community Speed Watch
Associated paper was circulated prior to the meeting, this item had previously been discussed.
Cllr Lane advised the Parish Council that he had attended a recent training session and a Chairman for another Parish Council had purchased a speed gun and which was calibrated by the Police for a fraction of the cost that the Community Speed Watch quote for equipment – total quoted is £450. It has been suggested by Upper Broughton Parish Council that it could be split three ways, if Hickling and Kinoulton Parish Council divided this quote, so it would be £150 each Parish Council.
Cllr Playle felt that speeding is an issue through Main Street.
Clerk explained that Upper Broughton’s scheme is being run by three volunteers and this is the suggested that Parishioners run this group, not the Parish Council. A parishioner said that they would be interested in joining the group.
The members of the Parish Council voted and decided to defer this item to another agenda, clerk to advise the clerk of Upper Broughton that Hickling will not get involved in scheme at the moment.
Another matter relating to traffic issue and resulting in major disruption is the regular hunts that disrupt the local community. The congestion resulting in inconsiderate hunt followers is becoming a major issue.
Action Point: Clerk to put Community Speed Watch on a future agenda (note made to go on the agenda for June’s meeting). Clerk to advise Clerk for Upper Broughton that the PC do not wish to be currently involved.
7. Ward members reports.
Cllr Combellack reported that the levelling up fund for special projects had donated £100,000 for reed clearance in the Canal. Also that there is a Rural England Fund as well as the UKSPF (Special Projects Fund), if further information is required regarding this the person to contact is cevans@rushcliffe.gov.uk.
No increase in council tax for band A-D properties over D 2% increase.
Green Waste fee has been frozen, as has car parking fees.
Bingham Leisure Centre was opened on 28th Feb, they have a community hall with a stage, there is an enterprise area for start up companies, the lease is a rolling 6 months, these are eco-friendly.
Rural Crime Meeting was held, disappointed that local farmers did not attend.
Fly tipping, a new agency has been appointed and has issued over 3,000 enforcement notices. We must all report any fly tipping / crimes by either ringing 111 or if emergency 999.
8. Correspondence.
– Defibrillator Training – letter requesting the Parish Council arrange this for the community.
Clerk had been contacted by a member of the Women’s Group asking if the Parish Council could arrange this training and it was suggested that the Parish Council would fund this. Cllr Lane had advised the WI that the Parish Council would arrange this, the Clerk has arranged for the training session to take place on Thursday 16th March with a member of the Women’s Group. Clerk asked if the Parish Council agreed with the PC donating regarding the Defibrillator training, East Midlands Ambulance Service who supply the training ask for any donations to go to Vale First Responders. After discussion the PC agreed to donate £50 to Vale First Responders, clerk to issue a cheque after the training session.
Action Point: Clerk to issue a cheque for £50 to Vale First Responders once the Defibrillator training session has taken place.
9. Finance
A) Balance of accounts:
Current Account. £12,261.57
Reserve Account. £3,835.35
B) Payments due: None
Cheque No. Payee Description Amount
000831. The Community Heartbeat Trust Two batteries for the defib’s £746.40 – one for Hickling Pastures bus shelter and one for Village Hall. One set of defib electrodes 000832 Julie Holland Clerk's salary from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023 Addendum to minutes 000833. Julie Holland Clerk’s expenses from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023 £26.00
10. Items from members for the next agenda.
Heliport – Cllr Rowe.
11. Date of next meeting, 28th March.
2023 Meetings, 9th May, 13th June, 25th July, 29th Aug, 3rd Oct, 14th Nov, 19th Dec.