Clerk to the Parish
Council: Julie Holland: 2 Lindy Close, Kinoulton, Nottingham, NG12 3RD
Telephone:01949 823902 Email:
3 rd October 7.00pm
Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 3 rd October 2023 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.
1. Election of rotating chairperson, to sign the declaration of office prior to opening of the meeting.
The legislation provides for the election of the Chair on an annual basis for the entirety of that year, whilst a PC could technically run a meeting by electing a Chair to preside at the start of each one there would clearly be issues if there are tasks required of the Chair (set out in Standing Orders) between meetings and there is no-one permanently appointed as whoever performed these duties would be acting unlawfully.
Update from NALC: Public do not have a right to participate in meetings.
Legal Topic Note 5 – most councils have an agenda item for members of the public to address concerns, queries, raise questions etc. Once this has been completed the PC then goes back to their agenda. The public session then ceases and the public can stay and observe the rest of the meeting or leave. The public are not allowed to ask questions or interrupt the PC meeting once the PC has moved on to the next item.
2. Apologies.
3. Declarations of Interest.
4. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on 5 th September, 2023
5. Open session to address matters raised by the public, limited to 15 minutes.
6. Planning Applications
Reference Number: 23/01411/FUL
Development: Erection of detached timber frame garage building.
Location: Glebe Farm Cottage Main Street Hickling Nottinghamshire LE14 3AQ
I refer to the application for planning permission in respect of the above development.
I can inform you that the application was withdrawn on 18th September 2023 and no further action will be taken.
7. Decision Notices:
Reference No: 22/01989/FUL
Development: Venari Land Limited
Location: Erection of Roadside Service Area (RSA), including a single storey RSA building, four island petrol filling station forecourt and canopy, and parking, a drive thru/coffee until and associated development, including car parking, circulation space and new access fromA606, on-site and perimeter landscaping, draining infrastructure including attenuation ponds and swales and boundary treatment.
Location: Land at Junction of A606, Widmerpool and Fosse Way, Hickling Pasturues, Nottinghamshire.
Decision Notice: Grant planning permission.
8. Portfolio Group Reports:
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser
– ACV – the Plough Inn – will carry over if no update received.
– Conservation Area Appraisal – carry over to November’s meeting.
– Parish Council 2 x vacancies.
– Correspondence, letter of thanks for the grant of £500 from the Hickling Standard.
– Risk Assessment – quotation estimate for the works to be carried out.
Environment – Cllr Green & Playle
– RBC Community Tree Scheme, update from Cllr Playle re submission of form.
– Works to be carried out, information from Cllr John Cottee: Draining issue regarding outside the Orchard are booked to take place 08:00 26/9/23 – 17:00 28/9/23 by Seven Trent Water.
– HGV’s in Hickling – please see associated paper with information from Cllr John Cottee.
Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Rowe
– Noticeboard relocation – permit issued, date tbc concerning repositioning.
Assets – Cllr Prosser
– Cemetery – denotation of unconsecrated area of parish cemetery, update (Cllr Playle).
– Cemetery – update on Terms and Conditions of items put on graves, such as planters, update from Clerk.
– Cemetery – Black Poplar (WI) tree, update on replacement cost (Cllr Playle).
– Walkers’ Green October inspection – volunteer required.
Community Engagement – Cllr Green & Cllr Lamb
– Website, update.
9. Ward Members Reports.
Update from Cllrs’ Cottee and Combellack.
10. Finance:
A) Balance of accounts – 30.08.2023:
Current Account £ 15,467.77
Reserve Account £ 3,861.19
B) Payments due :-
Cheque number Payee Description Amount
——- Julie Holland Postage book of 2nd class stamps. £6.00
——- Julie Holland Diary 2024 £1.99
——- NALC Cemetery on-line training £40.00
——– Clerk expenses Sept Clerk’s expenses 01.09.23 – 30.09.23. £26.00
——– Clerk Salary Sept Clerk’s salary 01.09.23 – 30.09.23. Addendum
——– HMRC Income tax and NIC for Clerk – Sept £86.60
Date of next meetings: 14 th November, 19th December.
To: Cllrs: Green, Lamb, Playle, Prosser and Rowe.
Also, NC Cllr Cottee & Borough Cllr Combellack.