
June 2023 Minutes

Parish Council Minutes Uploaded on September 20, 2023


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 13th June 2023 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm.

Councillors present: Lamb, Rowe and Playle (Chair).

Also in attendance: 4 parishioners, Cllr. John Cottee (NCC) and Cllr. Tina Combellack (RBC).

  1. Declaration of acceptance of office by Cllr Playle. Cllr Playle signed the acceptance of the office form, this was witnessed the Clerk.
    Cllr Playle reiterated that at the meeting a parishioner asked that the chairman advises at the start of the meeting if it would be a collaborative meeting or a formal meeting, Cllr Playle asked that all parishioners who wished to talk once the meeting is formally opened, to raise their hand and he will invite them to talk.
  2. Apologies: Cllr’s Green and Prosser.
  3. Declarations of Interest: None
  4. MinutesofmeetingIt was proposed by Cllr Rowe that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th May were taken as a true record this was seconded by Cllr Playle and agreed by all.
  5. Open sessionParishioner reported that the pavement by Walkers’ Green is damaged, as it looks like a heavy vehicle has gone over it, as parishioner does not have the What3Word app the clerk will report this.
    Parishioner said that there is a cardboard cutout of a policeman at Stanford on the Wolds, and it is effective as it makes you slow down, and wondered if it was possible to have one for the village. Clerk advised that Kinoulton also has one, however, this was not arranged by the PC.

    Action Point: Clerk to report damaged pavement by Walkers’ Green. Open session closed at 7.20pm.

  6. Planning Matters.Reference Number: 23/00595/FUL
    Development: Erection of new two storey dwelling. Associated landscaping and access works. Location: Willow House, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire. LE14 3QG DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS IS 21st JUNE – TO BE ON THE PLANNING PORTAL

    All councillors at the meeting unanimously agreed to object to this application, on the grounds that it contravenes the Neighbourhood Plan Policy H10.
    Action Point: Clerk to submit objection on the planning portal before 21.06.23, response to be drafted and circulate it to Cllrs Playle, Lamb and Rowe for authorisation prior to submitting it.

    Hickling Parish Council wishes to object to the above application, it contravenes the Policy H10 Housing provision in the Hickling Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2011 – 2028, which was adopted 4th March 2022.
    If you wish to see the Neighbourhood plan please visit growth/planning-policy/neighbourhood-planning/#Hickling

    Policy H10: Housing Provision

    Housing development within the Hickling Limits to Development, as defined on the Policies Map, will be supported.

    Outside the Hickling Limits to Development, permission for housing development will be limited to:

    A. The development of previously used (brownfield) land that is well-related to the settlement of Hickling Pastures, in principle, having regard to the other policies in the neighbourhood plan;


B. The re-use and adaptation of redundant rural buildings in accordance with Policy H12 (Residential Conversion of Rural Buildings);

C. The subdivision of an existing dwelling;

D. A dwelling that, in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, is of exceptional design quality, in that it

i. is truly outstanding or innovative, reflecting the highest standards in architecture, and would help to raise standards of design more generally in rural areas; and

ii. would significantly enhance its immediate setting, and be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area;

E. Replacement dwellings in accordance with Policy H13 (Replacement Dwellings);
F. Rural worker accommodation in accordance with Policy H17 (Rural Worker Accommodation); and

G. Rural exception site development where need has been demonstrated through an up-to-date housing needs survey.

As you can see a replacement dwelling would be acceptable, but a new, additional dwelling contravenes the plan, therefore, Hickling Parish Council object to this application.

21. DecisionNotices
Reference No: 23/00599/FUL
Development: Proposed two storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension, extend existing raised rear patio. Existing roof to be replaced and ridge height raised includes 4no.front dormers. Alteration to existing eaves. Alteration of existing front box dormers to ridged dormers. Existing side extension to be demolished. Application of cedral cladding and render. Air source unit to side elevation. Location: Quorn House, Folly Hall Lane, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire, LE14 3QB

Section 211, Notice of Proposed works to Trees in Hickling Conservation Area.
Fell Lime at the front of Hickling Churchyard due to 3 cavities.
With reference to your notification dated 24.05.23, the Borough Council does not propose to make a Tree Preservation Order in this instance and the proposed work may proceed.
We note that your client does not own the tree, the Church’s permission will be required prior to work commencing. Given the prominent nature of the tree the Council would expect a replacement Lime to be planted within the Churchyard.

Cllr Playle has contacted the Senior Design and Landscape Officer Property

Services, at RBC with regards to application, he was advised that a neighbour had put in the application to have the tree removed, an Arborist has submitted a report, which states that the tree has three cavities, the contact at RBC has suggested that Hickling PC put in Tree Preservation Orders for trees in the village that the PC feels are valuable. Cllr Playle suggested that the PC contact the village tree warden to see if he would be interested in mapping the trees that are felt to be important to the village, and how much this work would cost if it was approved by the PC.

A parishioner asked Cllr Cottee about a Cherry Tree that is on the land in front of her house, Cllr Cottee said that he will look into this for the parishioner.
Action Points:
Cllr Cottee to advise parishioner re the Cherry Tree at the front of her house.

Cllr Playle to draft a letter to the church with regards to recommending that the Church replaces the Fell Lime, Cllr Playle will supply information to the Clerk to do a letter from the PC.
Cllr Playle to contact the Tree Warden to enquire if he would be interested in mapping all the important trees in the village, in view of submitting Tree Preservation orders, this quote to be discussed at a further meeting.


22. PortfolioGroupReports.
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser

23. AnnualInternalAuditorReport2023isreceivedandnoted.


The duties of internal audit relate to reporting on the adequacy and effectiveness of an authority’s system of internal control. The minimum reporting requirement for internal audit to the smaller authority is met by completing the annual internal audit of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

The Accounts and minutes have been reviewed by the Internal Auditor and these are his comments:

Internal Examination Comments

  1.   Would you please box 11a on page 6 as ‘no’. The remainder of the form will also need completing. Nowcomplete.
  2.   With regard to the pending VAT claim this should not be included in the year as the receipt will be in2023/24. Auditor agreed that figure can remain included this year but noted for next year.
  3.   Again, would you please confirm that the Fixed Assets schedule is correct with no additions or removals. Afull Fixed Assets Register needs to be included in the paperwork and, as this not the first time this has been requested, a note will be made on next year’s Return if there is still noncompliance. Please see updated document below.
  4.  Would you please confirm that all Statutory Documents are being reviewed on a regular basis. It would also be advisable that the document is signed and dated at the meeting and that copy should also be kept in a secure place. Agenda item for today’s meeting is to sign and date the code of conduct document that was approved at March’s meeting.
  5. Hickling Parish Council is responsible for ensuring its business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for.

    It is also responsible for putting in place proper arrangements for the governance of its affairs and for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of its functions, and which includes arrangements for the management of risk.

    The Council is required to approve an Annual Governance statement prepared in accordance with the proper practices in relation to internal control. This forms part of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) with the Council setting out that it agrees “Yes” or “No” with the Assertions set out in the Report. The proposed response to the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 is set out below.

    See notes in attached document

    25. Accounting Statements (section 2) are approved.

    The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require all authorities to prepare a statement of accounts for each financial year in accordance with proper practices.

    For the Parish Council, the statement of accounts may take the form of a summary receipts and payments account. The Parish Council’s records are maintained on a receipts and payments basis and are balanced at the year end to produce a reconciled Receipt and Payment Account.

    Requirements for the Year End

    The Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd (SAAA) was formally appointed in January 2016 as the ‘person specified to appoint local auditors’ under powers set out in Regulation 3 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. PKF Littlejohn LLP have been appointed to all relevant smaller authorities in specific areas, including Nottinghamshire.

    Each smaller authority is required by law:

    • to prepare Accounting Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 in the form required by proper practices (the relevant annual return, now known as the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Part 1, 2 or 3)
    • to approve and publish the AGAR including the Accounting Statements;
    • to provide for the exercise of public rights;For the Parish Council the AGAR 2022/23 Form 2 has to be completed, approved and published by exempt authorities with financial transactions during the year.

      Although the Regulations do not specify a date by which the annual internal audit report (AIAR) must be completed, the review of effectiveness of the system of internal control by the smaller authority and the completion and approval of the Annual Governance Statement will both need to consider the system of internal audit that has been in place during the year under review. Thus, the smaller authority will need to consider the internal audit work performed and internal audit arrangements in place between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023 before confirming compliance with assertions 2 and 6.

      The Parish Council is required to publish:

      • the Annual Internal Audit Report;
      • the Annual Governance Statement;
      • the Accounting Statements;
      • A copy of the Certificate of Exemption;
      • Details of the arrangements for the exercise of public rights; and
      • The name and address of the External Auditor.Transparency Code

        Under the provisions of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 the Government has issued a code of recommended practice (Transparency Code) for small parish councils with a turnover not exceeding £25,000. The Transparency Code replaces the need for external audit for parish councils with turnover less than £25,000. The Code requires the on-line publication of the following information in relation to the year end accounts:

        1. all items of expenditure above £100;
        2. end of year accounts;
        3. annual governance statement;
        4. internal audit report;
        5. list of councillor or member responsibilities;
        6. the details of public land and building assets;Would you please confirm that Councillors do not use private email addresses for Council business. This item to be discussed. (Cllr Lamb said that this will be resolved when the new website it up and running, approx. 2 months).

          24. Annual Governance Statement 2022/23, to approve the Parish Council’s Governance Statement for 2022/23.

    The accounts and other information required will have to be on a website on or before 1st July.

    AGAR Certificate of Exemption

    The Parish Council qualifies to sign the Certificate of Exemptions. Therefore, the Parish Council is requirement to complete and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), and provide for public rights. However, this means there is no requirement to have a limited assurance review or to submit an Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor.

    Accounting Statements

    The following Accounts and Financial Statements are set out within the Report:

    • AGAR Section 2 – Accounting Statement 2022/23 sets out the Parish Council’s accounts in the format that it is necessary to submit to publish. (Appendix One)
    • Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending 31st March 2023 over £100.Receipts and Payments

      Receipts for the year were £11,450 and payments £15,148, Precept received was £8,740, Grants from RBC/NCC £1,150.

      Several grants have been paid by the Parish Council during the financial year, £1,000 to St. Luke’s church towards the cost of the roof alarm, £150 to The Hickling Standard, £150 to Hickling History Group and £200 to the WI.

      The Council has several items of expenditure which occur every year. This includes the Clerk wages, insurance, audit, defibrillator pads and electrodes and maintenance costs in relation to the Cemetery and Walkers’ Green. Every organisation or sole trader who processes personal information needs to pay a data protection fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office and this include the Parish Council with an annual cost of £40.00.

    The following items of payment have been made above £100.00:

    25. Accounting Statements (section 2) are approved.

    The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require all authorities to prepare a statement of accounts for each financial year in accordance with proper practices.

    For the Parish Council, the statement of accounts may take the form of a summary receipts and payments account. The Parish Council’s records are maintained on a receipts and payments basis and are balanced at the year end to produce a reconciled Receipt and Payment Account.

    Requirements for the Year End

    The Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd (SAAA) was formally appointed in January 2016 as the ‘person specified to appoint local auditors’ under powers set out in Regulation 3 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015. PKF Littlejohn LLP have been appointed to all relevant smaller authorities in specific areas, including Nottinghamshire.

    Each smaller authority is required by law:

    • to prepare Accounting Statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 in the form required by proper practices (the relevant annual return, now known as the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) Part 1, 2 or 3)
    • to approve and publish the AGAR including the Accounting Statements;
    • to provide for the exercise of public rights;For the Parish Council the AGAR 2022/23 Form 2 has to be completed, approved and published by exempt authorities with financial transactions during the year.

      Although the Regulations do not specify a date by which the annual internal audit report (AIAR) must be completed, the review of effectiveness of the system of internal control by the smaller authority and the completion and approval of the Annual Governance Statement will both need to consider the system of internal audit that has been in place during the year under review. Thus, the smaller authority will need to consider the internal audit work performed and internal audit arrangements in place between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023 before confirming compliance with assertions 2 and 6.

      The Parish Council is required to publish:

      • the Annual Internal Audit Report;
      • the Annual Governance Statement;
      • the Accounting Statements;
      • A copy of the Certificate of Exemption;
      • Details of the arrangements for the exercise of public rights; and
      • The name and address of the External Auditor.Transparency Code

        Under the provisions of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 the Government has issued a code of recommended practice (Transparency Code) for small parish councils with a turnover not exceeding £25,000. The Transparency Code replaces the need for external audit for parish councils with turnover less than £25,000. The Code requires the on-line publication of the following information in relation to the year end accounts:

        1. all items of expenditure above £100;
        2. end of year accounts;
        3. annual governance statement;
        4. internal audit report;
        5. list of councillor or member responsibilities;
        6. the details of public land and building assets;


    The accounts and other information required will have to be on a website on or before 1st July.

    AGAR Certificate of Exemption

    The Parish Council qualifies to sign the Certificate of Exemptions. Therefore, the Parish Council is requirement to complete and approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR), and provide for public rights. However, this means there is no requirement to have a limited assurance review or to submit an Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor.

    Accounting Statements

    The following Accounts and Financial Statements are set out within the Report:

    • AGAR Section 2 – Accounting Statement 2022/23 sets out the Parish Council’s accounts in the format that it is necessary to submit to publish. (Appendix One)
    • Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending 31st March 2023 over £100.Receipts and Payments

      Receipts for the year were £11,450 and payments £15,148, Precept received was £8,740, Grants from RBC/NCC £1,150.

      Several grants have been paid by the Parish Council during the financial year, £1,000 to St. Luke’s church towards the cost of the roof alarm, £150 to The Hickling Standard, £150 to Hickling History Group and £200 to the WI.

      The Council has several items of expenditure which occur every year. This includes the Clerk wages, insurance, audit, defibrillator pads and electrodes and maintenance costs in relation to the Cemetery and Walkers’ Green. Every organisation or sole trader who processes personal information needs to pay a data protection fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office and this include the Parish Council with an annual cost of £40.00.

    The following items of payment have been made above £100.00:

    Date                   Purpose of expenditure                    Net amount                    VAT.                          Recoverable Yes/No                                  Total

    April                  Black poplar tree for churchyard         £178.80                           N/A                                     N/A                                                  £178.80

    May                   Zurich Insurance                                     £408.24                           N/A                                     N/A                                                  £408.24

    May                   St Luke’s Church                                     £1,000.00                        N/A                                     N/A                                                  £1,000.00

    May                   Jubilee                                                       £450.44                         £28.29                                  Yes                                                     £478.73

    June                  Hickling History Group                         £150.00                             N/A                                    N/A                                                   £150.00

    July                   Hickling WI                                              £200.00                            N/A                                    N/A                                                   £200.00

    Sept           Fairfield Services (Cemetary tree removal) £177.50                           N/A                                     N/A                                                   £177.50

    Nov            Fairfield Services – repair of 2 benches.     £156.08                            N/A                                     N/A                                                   £156.08

    Dec                      Website                                                     £929.00                          £185.80                              Yes                                                     £1,114.80

    Jan           Richard salt 0 Cemetary/Walkers’ Green    £2,305.00                        N/A                                      N/A                                                   £2,305.00

    Jan.          Defilbrillator pads / electrodes                      £622.00                          £124.40                                Yes                                                     £746.40

    Feb                     Hickling Standard                                   £150.00                            N/A                                      N/A                                                   £150.00


    It is recommended that the Council:

    1. a)  Approves the AGAR Accounting Statement 2022/23 set out below, authorising the Chairperson of the meeting to sign the Statement.
    2. b)  Approves the annual accounts authorising the Chairperson of the meeting and the Responsible Financial Officer (Clerk) to sign the accounts.

    Appendix 1.

    See attached document

    Proposed by Cllr. Playle and agreed by Cllrs Lamb and Rowe:

    1. a)  Approve the AGAR Section 2 Accounting Statement 2022/23, authorising the Chairman of the meeting to sign the Statement.
    2. b)  Approve the annual accounts year end accounts authorising the Chairman of the meeting and the Responsible Financial Officer (Clerk) to sign the accounts.

    26. Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2022/23 Part 2 – To approve the certificate of exemption 2022/23.

    The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 require all authorities to prepare a statement of accounts for each financial year in accordance with proper practices.

    AGAR Certificate of Exemption

    Exempt authorities must meet a number of specified criteria and provided those criteria are satisfied, they only need submit a copy of their exemption certificate to the auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP. The exemption criteria are met if the smaller authority can declare that it has:

    • Total gross income and total gross expenditure below £25,000 and
    • no public interest report/statutory recommendation/advisory notice/judicial review/application to court re unlawful item of account issued by its external auditor in the prior year; and
    • been in existence since before 1st April 2014.The Parish Council meets all three aspects, as such there is no requirement to have a limited assurance review or to submit an Annual Governance and Accountability Return to the external auditor. However, a Certificate of Exemption must be sent to the appointed auditor otherwise they will presume the authority does not meet the qualifying criteria and is not exempt.

      The submission deadline for the receipt by the External Auditor of the Certificate of Exemption is 30th June, 2023.


      It is recommended that the Council authorises:

      Cllr. Lamb proposed that:

    1. a)  Authorises the Chairman of the meeting and Responsible Financial Officer to sign the Certificate of Exemption –AGAR 2022/23 Form 2.
    2. b)  The Responsible Financial Officer to forward the signed Certificate of Exemption to the Auditor.
    3. c)  Authorise the Responsible Financial Officer, on behalf of the authority, to set the commencement date for theexercise of public rights of 30 consecutive working days, which includes the first ten working days of July. Agreed by Cllrs’ Rowe and Playle.

    Appendix 2 overleaf:

    See attached document

    27.Assets of Community Value – update via email from Cllr Prosser, this has been agreed by the parishioner who is on the group, Cllr Lamb and Cllr Prosser, this was then circulated to the members of the Parish Councillors who via email have now agreed unanimously to it being submitted to Nicola Wells at Rushcliffe Bourgh Council, the information has been circulated to Cllr Cottee and Cllr Combellack for comments, once their agreement / or comments have been received the Clerk will either submit the application to RBC or feedback the County and Borough Councillors comments.

    Action Point: If Clerk receives agreement from County and Borough Cllr’s this will be submitted to RBC or back to the ACV group with their comments.

    28.Conservation Area Appraisal – update via email from Cllr Prosser, together with a parishioner Cllr Prosser they are now on draft no. 4 – they met again with Andrew Langley (RBC) after the submission of draft no. 3 and there were lots of areas that they needed to work through again and reconsider.

    29.Parish Council 2 x vacancies – possible co-option, Chairman asked if any parishioners attending would like to consider joining the Parish Council, this was declined.

    Environment – Cllr Green & Playle

    30.Canal Reed Clearance

    Update from Cllr Playle, there was evidence that nutrient pollution is having a negative impact on water quality, ecology and wildlife along the whole of the Hickling stretch.
    No water is getting through from Denton or Knipton reservoirs. There is a concrete bund across the canal at bridge 37 which under current conditions is preventing any flow from the east.

    As of 29th May the River Smite is completely dried up after a very wet March and April!

    Action Point: Cllr Playle to advise Clerk when he would like Canal back on the agenda. 31. Draft Noise Action Plan covers the period from 2024 to 2028 – East Midlands Airport

    Parish Councillors have read the circulated associated paper and no comment from HPC.

    Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Rowe

    32. Noticeboard relocation to Hickling Pastures.

    Cllr Rowe received communication from Via East Midlands Ltd to advise that they need to do a utilities search and obtain authorisation re trimming the hedges where the notice board will be located.
    Action Point: Clerk to email ex councillor with regards to obtaining a copy of the quote that had been submitted whilst he was on the PC.

    33. Air Ambulance/Heliport – Cllr Rowe updated the PC. A further meeting took place in April after further complaints due to multiple flights on the 16th April. The air ambulance manger agreed to speak to his team, however, the representative for the Heliport refused to acknowledge any issues and have said that in future they will liaise with the Planning Enforcement Officer at Rushcliffe Borough Council and not the Parish Council. Cllr Rowe asked the approval of the PC members to continue to liaise with the Planning Enforcement Officer at RBC, this was agreed by the other attendees. Cllr Rowe to advise the Clerk if he wishes this item to be on the agenda going forward.

    Action Point: Cllr Rowe to advise the Clerk if he wishes the Air Ambulance/Heliport to be put on the agenda.

    34. Community Speed Watch – deferred from February’s meeting, re correspondence received from Upper Broughton, does the Parish Council wish to invest in equipment with UB–

    1 x Bushnell Velocity Speed Gun
    1 x Calibration tuning fork
    2 x Portable warning signs
    1 x handheld traffic counter (e.g., traffic counter x 4 from Amazon) 3 x Cat 2 long sleeved high viz jackets with CSW logos

    1 x Document folder with scheme paperwork and risk assessment.

    Approx. £195 Approx. £35

    Approx. £150 Approx. £12 Approx. £50


    The Parish Councillors discussed the possibility of setting up a Community Speed Watch group, it was decided if the parishioners wished to volunteer and run this, it could then be discussed at a future meeting whether the PC would like to part pay for the equipment with Upper Broughton. It was decided that a notice should go in the Standard and if parishioners were concerned about speeding for them to volunteer to run this for the village. Action Point: Clerk to draft a notice for the Standard.

    Assets – Cllr Prosser
    35. Cemetery – Cllr Playle has advised the contractor re size of the boulders for the unconsecrated area, cost to

    be confirmed.

    37. Walkers’ Green Annual inspection –As requested by the Parish Council, the Clerk obtained confirmation from Zurich, the Insurance company that the PC could now carry out the inspection monthly rather than weekly. Cllr Green has carried out the monthly inspection for June, and also hammered in the top metal plates on the gateposts and sawn off the protruding bolts. Cllr Lamb has volunteered to do the inspection for July

    Action Point: Cllr Lamb asked for a walkaround sheet, Clerk to supply.

    38. Website

    It was agreed that Cllr Lamb would take over this Asset from Cllr Green, it is estimated that it will be up and running in approximately 2/3 months, Cllr Lamb to advise the Clerk when it needs to appear on the agenda. Action Point: Cllr Lamb advise the Clerk when the Website need to be put on the agenda.

    Cllr Cottee apologised that he needed to leave the meeting at 20.30. He asked if he could give his summary prior to leaving. His grant fund has been cut to £3,000, as he has 10 parishes that will be £300 perparish,ifthePCcouldadvisewhattheywouldlikethemoniesforandputinanapplication. Hehad hoped to have an update for the meeting with regards to the re-surfacing of Melton Road, however, that had not been received, any updates will be passed to the Clerk.

    Community Engagement – Cllr Green

    39. Coronation – possible tree Cllr Playle has not managed to obtain a quote yet. This will carry over to July’s meeting.
    Action Point: Clerk to put Coronation – possible tree on agenda for July’s meeting.

    40. Ward members reports.

    Cllr Combellack advised that the RCVSG (Rushcliffe South Villages – Community Safety Group) meeting had taken place, and priorities are rural crime and speeding. CCTV trial had been set up in Cropwell Bishop, to help us all to keep safe.
    Cllr Combellack suggested that a community noticeboard for Hickling was purchased, and could possibility use the grant that has been received for the Coronation. She felt that the village needed a notice board that they could put up information on.

    41. Correspondence.


    42. Finance

    1. A)  Balance of accounts: received June Current Account £15,695.23 Reserve Account £3,835.35
    2. B)  Payments due:

    See attached document

    43. Items from members for the next agenda.

    As above action points, Cllr Rowe will be chairman. 44. Date of next meeting, 25th July.
    2023 Meetings, 29th Aug, 3rd Oct, 14th Nov, 19th Dec. No further business – meeting closed at 8.35pm.