Hickling Parish Council Meeting
Minutes if the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 7th December 2023 in the Village hall commencing at 7.00pm.
Councillors present: Playle (Chair), Prosser, Rowe, Green and Conway.
Also in attendance: Cate Stokes (Parish Clerk).
- Opening: Cllr Playle (Chair) opened the meeting by welcoming the new Parish Clerk, Cate Stokes.
- Apologies: Cllr Lamb, NC Cllr Cottee and Borough Cllr Combellack.
- Declarations of interest – none
- Open Session
- Flooding in Hickling – Cllr Green raised the issue of flooding on Main Street and the possible blocked drains near Pudding Lane.
Action point: Clerk to contact Notts C.C. highways department.
- Traffic Survey – Cllr Prosser has received correspondence from Borough Cllr Combellack relating to traffic questionnaires. It was agreed that this should be investigated by Cllrs Playle and Green and discussed at the next full meeting of the PC.
- Planning applications
Reference: 23/01981/FUL
Applicant: Roy and Rachael Allum
Development: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement dwelling. Re-use and extension of former agricultural buildings to form 2nd dwelling. Replacement of former agricultural buildings to form ancillary buildings. Replacement agricultural store and bat roost to rear. New brick pillar and gates to front boundary
Location: Sycamore lodge, Green Lane, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire, LE14 3QF
Application contravenes 1 policy of the adopted Hickling Neighbourhood plan.
H9 – LOCAL DESIGN – proposal does not meet the design requirements of HNP and does not ensure that heritage is conserved or that the distinctive character of the parish is reflected and maintained.
Other comments
PC wish to retain or preserve the benchmark visible on the existing farmhouse as detailed in the correspondence from the local history group.
PC were pleased with the regard shown for the ecology of the site and the measures already put in place by the applicant and note the reuse of agricultural buildings for residential use thus preventing the development of green field sites in the parish.
OBJECT – Cllrs Green, Playle, Prosser and Rowe
SUPPORT – Cllr Conway
No Further Business – Meeting closed 9pm