Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 25th July 2023 in the Village Hall commencing at 7.00pm.
Councillors present: Rowe (Chair), Prosser and Playle
Also in attendance: 2 parishioners, Cllr. John Cottee (NCC) and Cllr. Tina Combellack (RBC).
- DeclarationofacceptanceofofficebyCllrRowe.CllrRowesignedtheacceptanceoftheofficeform; this was witnessed by the Clerk
Cllr Rowe reiterated that the Chair advises at the start of the meeting if it would be a collaborative meeting or a formal meeting, Cllr Rowe asked that all parishioners who wished to talk once the meeting is formally opened, to raise their hand and he will invite them to talk.Cllr. Combellack raised concern that if is a collaborative meeting it would mean that the PC cannot make decisions, Cllr. Prosser asked the clerk to check with NALC.
Action Point: Clerk to check with NALC re if the PC can make decisions if a meeting is collaborative. - Apologies: Cllr’s Green and Lamb.
- Declarations of Interest: None
- MinutesofmeetingQuery was raised re the page and item numbers not starting at 1, Clerk advised it was due to internal auditors report, that page and item numbers must follow on from previous minutes.
It was proposed by Cllr Rowe that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th June were taken as a true record this was seconded by Cllr Playle and agreed by all. - Open session
Open session closed at 7.20pm. - Planning Matters.Reference Number: 22/01989/FUL
Applicant: Venari Land Limited
Development: Erection of Roadside Service Area (RSA), including a single storey RSA building, four island petrol filling station forecourt and canopy, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging bays, HGV fuelling facilities, canopy and parking, a drive thru/coffee unit and associated development, including car parking, circulation space and new access from the A606, on-site and perimeter landscaping, drainage infrastructure including attenuation ponds and swales and boundary treatment
Location: Land At Junction Of A606 Widmerpool And Fosse Way Hickling Pastures NottinghamshirePlease see revised documents uploaded 30.06.2023
Any comments which your Council/Meeting may have already made will be taken into account. However, if you wish to comment on these revisions, please submit your observations online as soon as possible, but no later than 18 July 2023. EXENSION HAS BEEN GRANTED UNTIL 31.07.23.
Cllr. Rowe advised that the Parish Council objected to this application in October, there has been additional documentation put on the planning portal.
Cllr Combellack advised that the government plan requires a service station every 15 mins/20mins, the new documentation states that with this site it will increase the biodiversity (arguing after development it will greater than the existing green field). The sewerage will be treated and then put into the Brook, the drainage water from the hard surfaces will also go into the Brook – so this increases the likelihood of flooding in Widmerpool, unfortunately, this would include fecal matter and oil wastage from the service area facilities. The field opposite A606 is a local wildlife site. The plans mention further development in the future. Stragglethorpe site is a brownfield site in green belt, allocated for logistics development, however, Welcome Break do not think that site is appropriate for development as an RSA.
The concern is that the committee members (when it comes to appeal), will not be able to go through the huge amount of documentation on the planning portal.
Cllr Rowe suggested that the planning committee are invited to see the site as soon as the date of the meeting is announced, and to send the information to local neighbouring Parish Council – Kinoulton and Widmerpool.
The Parish Council discussed the above and unanimously agreed to submit an objection on the same grounds as previously, Cllr. Rowe will look at the new documentation on the planning portal and supply the clerk with the information for her to submit.
Action Point: Clerk to send an invitation to the planning committee members to visit the site on the A606. Clerk to submit planning objection once Cllr. Rowe has supplied the information.
DESCRIPTION: Remove hedgerow to enable two long narrow fields to be managed as one. ADDRESS: Turpike Lodge, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures
If you have any additional comments or wish to modify or elaborate on views previously made they should be emailed directly to etc@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
or sent to Environment Appeals, Room 3A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House,2 The Square
Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN quoting reference APP/HGW/535
Any representations submitted should be in triplicate as they will be made available to both parties of the appeal. Please ensure representations are received before Wednesday 16th August 2023, any received after this date will not normally be seen by the Inspector and will be returned.
The Parish Council discussed the above and unanimously agreed to submit an objection on the same grounds as previously, Cllr. Rowe will supply the clerk with the information for her to submit to the planning inspectorate.
Action Point: Cllr. Rowe will supply the clerk with the information for the objection, clerk to submit.
Reference Number: 23/01323/FUL
Development: Proposed two storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension, extend existing raised rear patio. Existing roof to be replaced and ridge height raised includes 4no. front dormers. Alteration to existing eaves. Alteration of existing front box dormers to ridged dormers. Existing side extension to be demolished. Application of Cedral cladding and render. Air source unit to side elevation. Location: Quorn House Folly Hall Lane Hickling Pastures Nottinghamshire LE14 3QB
But no later than 3 August 2023.
The Parish Council discussed the above and unanimously agreed that they would not object to this application and no need to put any comment on the planning portal.
- DecisionNotices
Reference No: 23/00595/FUL
Development: Erection of new two storey dwelling; Associated landscaping and access works. Location: Willow House, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, Nottinghamshire. LE14 3QG Decision: REFUSE PLANNING PERMISSION - PortfolioGroupReports.
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser 53. Assets of Community Value
The Parish Council have been advised by Rushcliffe Borough Council that the nomination for the Hickling Canal Basin, slipway and pedestrian area was supported at their meeting on 12th June and the asset of community value listing has been added to the published register: Rushcliffe – Assets of Community Value.
RBC have since received correspondence from the current tenant querying whether his landlord had been copied into the original consultation letters as a small parcel of his land noted on title plan NT523015 is within the boundary area. The landowner may wish to request a review of the decision, but they would have to have strong evidence to challenge RBC’s reasons for supporting the listing. Formal letters will be issued by RBC next week.
Cllr. Prosser advised that the Plough Inn Asset of Community Value application / nomination was submitted to RBC for consideration on the 19th June.
54. Conservation Area Appraisal – Review
Cllr. Prosser and parishioner had again met with Andrew Langley, RBC, to continue the review process of the Conservation Area Appraisal – they are now collectively considering draft version 6. The Conservation Area Appraisal is a Rushcliffe led and owned document but Cllr. Prosser and parishioner were hopeful that the review document would be both thorough and robust.
55. Co-opting of Parish Councillor(s)
No update – councillors were encouraged to continue to discuss the opportunity to join the Parish Council with parishioners.
Environment – Cllr Green & Playle.
56. Correspondencefromparishioner
Parishioner has contacted the council with regards to a tree at the top of Bridegate Lane in Hickling Pastures that needs cutting back, as it is a struggle to see traffic coming from the right. Also, the conifer hedge needs cutting back between The Yews and Woodbine cottage, as it is forcing parishioners to walk in the road.
Cllr Rowe will look at the overhanging tree and Cllr. Playle will speak to owner of The Yews.
Action Point: Clerk to update parishioner who sent correspondence. Cllr Rowe will look at the overhanging tree and Cllr. Playle will speak to owner of The Yews
57. Roadsideverges
Cllr. Playle asked if Cllr. Combellack and Cllr.Cottee if they could help with regards to the wildflower area that should be along Bridegate Lane, he asked if she could talk to the relevant people at RBC/NCC, as he feels that he is getting nowhere with this matter. Cllr. Combellack advised Cllr. Playle that he emails Cllr. Cottee and he will contact Laura Trussler.
Action Point: Cllr. Playle to email Cllr. Cottee regarding the wildflower area on Bridegate Lane.
RBC Community Tree Scheme ?
Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Rowe
Heliport – Cllr. Rowe wished to summarise the correspondence with Heliport, he has corresponded with RBC after the Heliport asked that all correspondence was done with RBC not Heliport. Cllr. Rowe re-confirmed that when any breaches are made by going off route, he supplies the date, time and area of the breach to RBC. Hickling Parish Council agreed that Cllr. Rowe should try and speak to RBC re this matter as it would probably be more productive than further detailed emails.
Cllr. Prosser advised that when the Heliport started operating that the Air Ambulance was not stationed there, so should a change of use be granted by RBC, Cllr. Combellack said she would raise this with RBC.
Action Point: Cllr. Combellack to contact RBC re change of use re the Air Ambulance at Heliport.
Assets – Cllr Prosser
58. NoticeboardRelocation
Noticeboard to be positioned by the A606 bus stop (northbound) in Hickling Pastures. RBC permit to be applied for – members of the Parish Council will need to sign application form. Awaiting final confirmation of cost for re- positioning or notice board.
Action Point: Clerk to get update from contractor re. final cost for re-positioning notice board and to submit permit application to RBC once signed by councillors.
59. ParishCemetery
Cllr Playle has advised the contractor regarding the size of the boulders required for the unconsecrated area of the cemetery, waiting for them to be positioned.
The replacement (WI) Black Poplar tree has died, Cllr Prosser proposed that the surplus monies for the Platinum Jubilee were used to purchase a replacement tree (£110.12 surplus monies), seconded by Cllr. Rowe, and unanimously agreed. Cllr. Playle to speak to Naturescape to ascertain if a replacement Black Poplar tree can be purchased for this amount.
Action Point: Cllr. Playle to get update from contractor re the boulders, and to find out cost of Black Poplar tree.
60. Walkers’ Green
Monthly inspection rota – Cllr Lamb is carrying out inspection in July, need volunteer for August’s inspection.
Quote for the replacement cradle swing seat had been received in the amount of £187, for item to be supplied and installed was £671. Cllr. Prosser recommended that grant funding be sourced if possible to fund this expenditure and suggested that Cllr Green be asked to seek funding and report back. Replacement put on hold pending the annual risk assessment and further investigation. Clerk to advise company that quoted that this has been put on hold.
Action Point: Cllr. Lamb to carry out July inspection.
Cllr Green to investigate / source grant funding for cradle swing seat replacement.
Annual Risk Assessment inspection, which includes Walkers’ Green, to be carried out by Cllr. Prosser and the Clerk before the next meeting. Clerk to advise company that quoted that this has been put on hold.
- Community Engagement – (Cllr Green is unable to attend the meeting)Website – awaiting update from Cllr Lamb.
- WardMembersReports.
Cllr. Cottee advised that the full council will be moving to Hucknall, as £53 million is needed to refurbish County Hall. Cost of new building (Hucknall) will be £18 million and additional £4 million for the council chamber. No plans for the existing council site, this might be a source of income going forward, expect the move to Hucknall in around 14 months. Trent Bridge House is rented so can use that building.
The Widmerpool bypass will be re-surfaced end of Aug/early September, depending on the weather. Cllr. Cottee said that they will be putting down something that will last and will advise the clerk once dates are finalised.
Action Point: Cllr. Cottee will advise the clerk of the dates for the road re-surfacing on the A606.
Cllr. Cottee left the meeting at 8.10pm.
Cllr. Combellack would like the Parish Council to look at the re-launching of the Lengthsman Scheme and will advise the PC once information is available.
The Power Station site will be developed for hi-tech jobs, business rates will be retained.
UKSPF funding closed for this year and was unsurprisingly over-subscribed.
UKSPF funding will reopen next year – the PC should consider future projects & apply accordingly.
Advised by parishioners that there was a car accident at the bottom of Bridegate Lane, lamppost damaged, but the person drove off. She would suggest speed reduction on Bridegate Lane, for example priority way to slow traffic down.
Action Point: Priority ‘Give Way’ Bridegate Lane to be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Cllr. Combellack asked if the PC had any volunteers for a Community Speed Watch. Cllr. Prosser advised that an advertisement had been put in The Hickling Standard and if anyone volunteers for this then the matter will go back on the agenda.
63. Correspondence.
A member of the Scarecrow committee asked the PC if they could support the Scarecrow Weekend, 9th and 10th September, in the form of volunteering or a raffle prize. Cllr. Prosser suggested that 6 bottles of wine could be offered as a raffle prize (each councillor to personally donate a bottle) rather than using PC funds – this was agreed by Cllr. Rowe and Cllr. Playle.
ALL councillors – to donate one bottle of wine, personally, as a raffle prize (Cllr Prosser to collate)
64. Finance
Balance of accounts: received June 2023.
Current Account £15,695.23
Reserve Account £3,835.35
Payments due:
See attached document
Cllr. Prosser advised that Kinoulton Parish Council had kindly offered a 50-50 split on the cost of membership for the Clerk for SLCC. Cllr. Prosser proposed that this offer be accepted and that the Clerk renews her membership, this was seconded by Cllr. Rowe and unanimously agreed.
Action Point: Clerk to renew her SLCC membership and supply invoice to PC.
65. Items from members for the next agenda.
As above action points, Cllr Green will be chairman if he is available to attend the meeting.
Action Point: Item D-DAY 80 – 6TH JUNE 2024, to be on the agenda for the next meeting. 66. Date of next meeting, 29th August
2023 Meetings,3rd Oct, 14th Nov, 19th Dec.
No further business – meeting closed at 9.00pm