
May 2023 Agenda

Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on September 20, 2023

Clerk to the Parish Council: Julie Holland

2 Lindy Close, Kinoulton, Nottingham, NG12 3RD Telephone:01949 823902 Email:


I write to advise you that Hickling Parish Council will be holding a meeting on THURSDAY 18th May 2023 in the CHURCH, commencing at 7.30pm. The agenda is outlined below, items received after the publication of this agenda may be considered at the meeting if an urgent decision is required.

  1. Declaration of acceptance of office by elected councillors.
  2. Election of Officers – Chairperson, (Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairperson) and Vice- Chairperson.
  3. Co-opting of two new members.
  4. Apologies.
  5. Declarations of Interest.
  6. Acceptance of minutes of the meeting held on 28th March, 2023.
  7. Open session to address matters raised by the public, limited to 15 minutes.
  8. Register of interests for all councillors and election expenses forms to be with Clerk by 22nd May.
  9. Planning applications:Reference number: 23/00599/FUL
    Location: Quorn House Folly Hall Lane Hickling Pastures Nottinghamshire LE14 3QB
    Description:Proposed two storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension, extend existing raised rear patio. Existing roof to be replaced and ridge height raised includes 4no. front dormers. Alteration to existing eaves. Alteration of existing front box dormers to ridged dormers. Existing side extension to be demolished. Application of cedral cladding and render. Air source unit to side elevation.
    Extension granted until 18.5.23 – changed due to meeting date change.

10. Decision Notices:

Tree preservation ref 23/00028/CONARE
Bridge View House Hickling
Rushcliffe Borough Council does not propose to make a tree preservation in this instance and work can be carried out.

     Reference number: 23/00317/LBC
Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms, Main Street, Hickling,Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH Description: Regularisation and retention of UPVC windows and doors.

Reference number: 23/01907/FUL
Location: Old Wharf Tea Rooms, Main Street, Hickling,Nottinghamshire LE14 3AH Description: To retain existing open sided covered area, bin sore and permeable surfacing                                       Decision REFUSE PERMISSION

Reference number: 23/02977/FUL
Location: Home Farm, Main Street, Hickling, Nottinghamshire LE14 3AJ
Description: Convert garage into office including raise roof height and alterations to fenestrations (Retrospective).

11. Portfolio Group Reports:
Finance and Administration – Cllr Prosser

  • –  Register of Interest – all Councillors to submit register of interest by 28th May to the clerk, so they can be emailed to the Monitoring Officer at Rushcliffe Borough Council.
  • –  Assets of Community Value – was submitted on 19th April.
  • –  Conservation Area Appraisal – carry over to June’s meeting.
  • –  Review of Internal Financial Controls – as per associated paper circulated prior to the meeting.
  • –  Standing Orders – updated March 2023, Parish Council to advise if any changes are needed.
  • –  Risk Assessment for Cemetery to be planned for July – Cllr Prosser and the ClerkEnvironment – Cllr Lane & Playle
  • –  Canal – feedback from Cllr Playle re conversation with Paul Philips at RBC
  • –  Replacement of tree in the Cemetery – request received from the WI asking that the Parish Council replace the black popular, information to be supplied by WI re cost and plan to keep tree alive as 2 previous trees have died.
  • –  DLUHC Consultation On Infrastructure Levy – as circulated prior to the meeting, consultation by feedback by 19th May.Highways and Street Furniture – Cllr Green & Playle
    – Air Ambulance/Heliport, carry over to June’s meeting as Cllr Rowe is unable to attend meeting.

    Assets – Cllr Prosser
    – Noticeboard relocation – carry over to June’s meeting as Cllr Rowe is unable to attend meeting.
    – Cemetery – progress update re. denotation of unconsecrated area of parish cemetery, Cllr Playle

    – Walkers’ Green Annual inspection –Report received. Following action points. 1) On gate. Fitting working out of timber exposing a sharp edge – action push back into timber. Amber. 2) Swing seat, cradle support structure is bent, and the cradle strut is cut – rating 7 – Green. Looks like the entire cradle swing seat will need to be replaced.3) Report mentions that the swing equipment is dirty, or algae covered, rated at 6, needs to be removed (depending if it is felt that the algae will disappear in the summer).

       Parish Councillors need to do the weekly inspection and submit information to Clerk each week.

Community Engagement – Cllr Green & Lamb

  • –  United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund – deadline 19th May. Update Cllr Green
  • –  Coronation – update re. grant funding for plaque(s), Cllr Green
  1. Ward members reports. Update from Cllrs’ Cottee and Combellack.
  2. Correspondence, Rushcliffe South Villages – Community Safety Group (RSVCSG), please see associated paper circulated prior to the meeting. (Parish Council Representative Requested).

    14. Finance:

A)  Balance of accounts:

Current Account               £5,304.68

Reserve Account               £3,846.47

B)  Payments due:


Cheque number                                      Payee                                                                       Description                                                                                            Amount

000834                                                Vale First Responders                                 Donation re Defibrillator training session 16.03.23                                  £50.00

000835                                            Nottingham Assoc of Local Councils            Annual Subscription of year commencing 1st April 2023                           £141.40

000836                                          Information Commissioner’s Office              GDPR/Data Protection Act                                                                               £40.00

00838                                            Julie Holland                                                      Clerk’s salary 01.04.23 – 30.04.23                                                                    Addendum

000839                                           HMRC                                                                 Employees Income Tax                                                                                      £86.60

000840                                            Zurich                                                                 Insurance Policy due 01.06.23                                                                         £450.69

000841                                          Julie Holland                                                       Ink Cartridge EPSON 603XL                                                                           £26.99

000842                                        Julie Holland                                                          2 x 250 sheets of paper                                                                                     £5.50

000843                                        Playsafety Limited                                                 Yearly inspection of play equipment                                                              £90.00


Reservation of plot number UC557       Hickling Parish Council                         Reservation of burial plot                                                                                £220 (parishioner invoiced prior to increase)        Cheque number 001489

CO1-152099RBC Remittance                Hickling Parish Council                         Precept                                                                                                                   £10,051.00

Plot No 222 paid by BACS                      Hickling Parish Council                        Cemetery burial                                                                                                    £200.00

Reserving plot No 149 (Cheque No 00018) Hickling Parish Council                  Reservation of burial plot                                                                                   £900 (reserved by non-parishioner)

Reserving of plots 231 and 234 (Cheque No 00053) Hickling Parish Council   Reservation of two burial plots                                                               £220 (parishioner invoiced prior to price increase)

15. Items from members for the next agenda.
Date of next meetings: 13th June, 25th July, 29th August, 3rd October, 14th November, 19th December.

To: Cllrs: Green, Lamb, Playle, Prosser and Rowe. Also, NC Cllr Cottee & Borough Cllr Combellack. Published 11.05.2023